#782 Mixing cookie batter with your bare hands

dive-right-in1Yeah, yeah, health nuts, we know, we know.

Hands are the dirtiest part of our body — turning doorknobs, flushing toilets, shaking hands all day in a hot, neverending exchange of sweat, grime, and bacteria. And yes, those germs form tiny Ewok Villages in the cracks of our palm and corners of our fingernails and leap at any opportunity to settle down in a new home.

Germophobes of the world, we hear your warning. But we can’t heed your warning..E-E-E-E-Ewoks!

.Sure, some of us start with good intentions — mixing patiently with a fork as raw eggs slide everywhere, butter clumps up, and big flour towers stand tall on the sides of the bowl. But even those folks hit a wall eventually and just toss the fork in the sink, roll up their sleeves, and dive right into the batter fingers first..play-doh-spaghetti-factory1

.But after it’s all over we slop those blobs on a baking pan and throw them right in the cooker for some fine tastin’..Completely unsanitary..Completely delicious..AWESOME!.


Photos from: here, here, here, and here

9 thoughts to “#782 Mixing cookie batter with your bare hands”

  1. mmmm… cookies! I need a cookie…..
    I can’t say that I’ve done this, but I do a lot of mixing with my hands. I’ll have to do this now just because I can.

  2. My gr-son Noah and I bake cookies together nearly every week. Although we have good intentions by washing our hands well prior to starting, he’s not quite 3 and so you oughta see the mess in the kitchen and all that goes into them by the time we’re done. We have so much fun mixing them with our hands while singing songs such as, “C-is for cookie”, in monstery voices. I say, nobody gets sick if you combine the grime with love, and ours turn out perfectly flavourful EVERYTIME!

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