#795 The Flying Saucer Frisbee Toss

Cover your throat!

There are a few types of Frisbee tosses out there:

1. The Sideways Roller. Even the best frisbee tossers can’t avoid the occasional Sideways Roller. This is when the frisbee hits the ground almost immediately, and then rolls away in a sharp, spinning circle. For some extra points, it’s always fun to chase it around and around and then half-heartedly give up and wait to see where it stops.

2. The Boomerang. Oops, too high, way up in the wind there. Careful though, that thing’s coming back, straight at your throat.

3. The Fancy Fudge Up. After a few tosses, someone might get cocky and attempt a novelty forehand throw or under-the-leg toss. These usually end up flying way off into the distance and then rolling into the sewer. Don’t get too cute out there.

4. The Laser. A classic sharp, shooting toss right at the chest of your partner. They can usually catch it without moving an inch, but might jam a finger or two in the process.

5. The Flying Saucer. And lastly, the highlight of the day, everybody. It’s gotta be that Flying Saucer. A nice, airy toss that just seems to pause in mid-air and slowly hover down into your waiting hands, like a spinning plastic angel from heaven.


A spinning, plastic angel

Photos from: here and here

13 thoughts to “#795 The Flying Saucer Frisbee Toss”

  1. It reminds me of my grade 5 teacher, who was great at frisbee, and seemed to throw a flying saucer all the time, but I could never catch it.
    And of course this was only a year ago.

  2. I’d like to be better at frisbee. I think it’s so cool to watch people play who are gifted and dogs leap high in the air to catch a frisbee toss flying by!

  3. I have a fear of frisbees ever since I was playing with a friend when a hot girl walked by. I stopped playing to impress the girl, but my friend didn’t. He tossed the disk and BAM! Right between the eyes. Left a big red scuff right between my eyes. I don’t think she was impressed!

    1. Yikes, that is not Frisbee fun. Give it another chance…it wasn’t the Frisbee’s fault, it was your friend’s.

  4. I’m a pretty good frisbee tosser. Its a little difficult to actually teach someone. I’ve been trying to teach my daughter for years and 90% of hers end up being sideways rollers and she gets mad. I’m not fancy though.. I’ve never tried to throw one under my leg or anything.

    1. Yesterday was the first time this year that we’ve gotten to get out and toss the frisbee. I tried teaching my daughter again and by golly.. I think she’s got it! The little one entertained himself for about half an hour just tossing the frisbee in the air and having it come back down.

  5. Frisbees! Frisbee is fun to say. Frisbee, frisbee, frisbee. Anyway, I think I’m an okay frisbee-thrower, but it took a really long time to get there. Frisbee throwing is an art I have yet to master, but one day I shall. One day, I will be a frisbee ninja. One day…

  6. Throwing a frisbee is one of my favorite things to do outside! When I throw a frisbee, I now always think about last summer when I was at a church picnic and this older man who I’ve never really talked to, saw the frisbee and asked if he could play with me. For someone with MS, he was a pretty darn good frisbee thrower and catcher

    1. I love it, too, Pam! I used to spend so much time with my ex tossing the Frisbee. I wasn’t too bad, either!

  7. Tossing the frisbee with my brother was one of my favorite things to do as a teen. We killed countless hours as he taught it all to me…how to throw it from the same side as my throwing arm, jump in the air catch between the legs, behind head and back…so much more, so hard to describe. Truly one of life’s Awesome Things!

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