#494 Cutting your sandwich into triangles

Welcome back to Childhood.

Gooey grilled cheese drips and oozes onto heavy ceramic dishes lying on wobbly kitchen tables. Dusty sunlight beams down on the dog as you sit with your brother on Saturday afternoon beside the whirring fridge with rainbow letter magnets in front of the pea green stove.

Sandwich triangles give us more first bites and let us chomp right into the taste nucleus of our lunch.

Welcome to Flavor Country, everybody.

We’re home.


Sign up for 1000 Awesome Things on email

— Email message —

“Hi Neil, I was diagnosed with cancer in April 2010 and my girlfriend Theresa gave me The Book of Awesome as part of a “feel good” gift. Talk about hitting the mark for putting a smile on someone’s face! Not only do I enjoy re-living the AWESOME moments you share, I’ve also enjoyed living some new personal AWESOME moments since my diagnosis: 1) listening to my 3.5yr old daughter laugh hysterically as she pats my bald head, 2) watching my 3 month old son go from confused to happy when he figures out who I am (poor little guy can see me in a wig/scarf/hat/bald all within a short time frame), 3) continuously getting blown away by acts of kindness, generosity and thoughtfulness from friends and family. This email is to thank EVERYONE who has done something AWESOME for a friend today and to thank YOU for doing something AWESOME for everyone!” – Brigitte

Photo from: here