#669 Vacuuming a dirty carpet and hearing all the tiny rocks going through the hose

baby vacuumSince we’re lugging the heavy vacuum up from the basement, moving couches around, and getting the whole room smelling like hot dirt, it’s mighty nice when those rattling little pebbles pipe up and let us know it was alllllll worth it.


Photo from: here

10 thoughts to “#669 Vacuuming a dirty carpet and hearing all the tiny rocks going through the hose”

      1. I actually have hardwood floors mostly throughout my house and I use one of those Swiffer sweeper things that suck up stuff and stuff gets stuck to the pad. I don’t really hear much getting sucked up in that except Cherrio’s

  1. I hardly heard any Vaccum Rock last time leading me to believe it’s pointless:(
    Rock on you all, Rock on:)

  2. Is it just me and my stupid computer or has this not been updated for a couple of days???
    Neil…. where art thou?

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