#612 Finally farting after the guests leave

When the dinner party wraps up, the quilting bee buzzes off, or your friends all grab their coats and head down to catch a cab, it’s time to take a second to stand alone in the center of your place, smile slowly, and finally just blast it out.


Photo from: here

83 thoughts to “#612 Finally farting after the guests leave”

  1. …..and then you find out that one of your friends is behind you and you not knowing he/she was there!!!!!!!

  2. I find that if you run up the hallway and drop one out of reach you need to be careful the fart doesn’t hitchhike back with you and deliver an invisible cloud of shame!

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  3. Who can wait? That’s just painful and very bad for the rest of your body, especially your heart, so we always say, let ’em rip! The guests can always go outside or netti their nose hairs of the pooh particles later.

  4. Thanks for writing your ideas on the subject at hand with an open disposition. This subject tends to get skewed in many unusual ways so it’s good so see someone give it a good shake.

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