#969 Tire names

Call me crazy

A friend and I were out recently buying a new set of tires for the balding Spaldings on her old Mazda. This was her first time buying tires, so we basically listened to the sales guy’s advice on what she should get.

“Well, you know the Eagle Eyes are pretty good,” he began “They’re better for winter driving than the Commanders, but not as good as the Ice Claws. But then again, if you’re on a budget then there’s nothing wrong with the Destinys. Sure, they’ve got a slightly lower mileage than the Evertreks or the Neverending Trails, but they’re definitely going to be better bang for your buck than the Hunter XTs or the Peregrines.”

Seemingly targeted at the little sack of testosterone hanging in the back of guy’s brains, tire names conjure up images of grit, muscles, dirt, and birds of prey. I think we have to presume the big tire companies tested other names, but they just got the thumbs down from the focus groups. That’s why you can’t buy a set of Flying Chickadees, Sidewalk Renegades, or Rainbow Escapades.

But however they came to be, one thing’s for sure — tire names are a tiny bit of hilarious nonsense we can all enjoy.


Smooth as a Toyota Camry

21 thoughts to “#969 Tire names”

  1. I dunno. I wouldn’t mind having some Rainbow Escapades fitted to my car. Sounds pretty good.

    Oh. Right. I don’t have a little sack of testosterone in the back of my brain…

    Nevermind. :)

  2. I guess I’ve never really paid any attention to the name of tires. The only ones I really know are Goodyear and Michelin. I couldn’t tell ya what is on my car right now. Round. Black.
    I’d like to name a tire, though. There seem to be some pretty out there names, although I think Neil nailed it with the Rainbow Escapades! Could they be rainbow color too?

    1. Same with me, Bekah. New tires are of exactly one type to me: black, round, rubber, and with more tread than the current bald ones carrying me around. Guess without the testosterone sac, I just never attended to tire monikers. Men really ARE from Mars!

  3. I think Michelle-Lynn is a lovely name.
    I simply adore Toyo’s as they remind me of Topogigio~ playful and reliable!
    I could totally get behind Black Bear, Gaurdian and/or TEDx’s:)

  4. Not related to tires, but my favorite things with names to tell them apart are paint colors. I mean, who gets that fantastic job??? Jolly Green, Picnic and Dill Pickle… all just a bit different, all green. I could live in the paint store just reading the color names :o)

    1. I know! On a related note, nail polish colors are a bit of whimsical fun, too! Dim Sum Plum, Pamploma Purple, Do U Lilac it? Coconut Kiss…

          1. Ma’ groovy awesome gal pals and soul-sixties-sista’s~ how about the bodascious colours of cars we drag-raced, had food roller-skated to and served in; “watched movies” and loved-in, back in the day, such as~ Plum crazy purple, Panther pink, Racer Orange, Top banana, Sublime lime-light, Gomango, Valencia orange, Green lightning, Attitudinous Sassy grass, Greengo, Pumpkin, Citronyella and Saffron…just to name a few….:)

  5. What the males name in tires, the females more than make up for in naming paint colours. Have you ever read a bunch of them?

  6. Reading this first thing this morning made my day working at a tire factory a million times better! I’ll definitely try to talk the plant manager into calling a tire Flying Chickadee. He’s a good guy, I think he might go for it : )

    1. I could so get behind that for summer tires! How about pulling for Talon for winters? =D

  7. Whew! I was relieved when he said “brain” there. I didn’t think this was THAT kind of a blog…

  8. Man have manly tire. Man be strong. Anyway, I never knew tires were so manly. Some of the simplest things have the weirdest names. Like paint. Paint has some weird names. I recently painted my bedroom a colour called “Adventure Green”.

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