#792 Your eyebrows

quiet-talk-from-the-rockAll hail the mighty brow.

Folks, I ask you: what’s not to love about these shaggy forehead caterpillars? Let’s rack them up:

1. Sweat-B-Gone. Your shiny, slippery forehead is the perfect runway for sweat to launch straight into your eyes, stinging and blinding you as you go about shoveling the driveway. Good thing your perfectly shaped eyebrows are there, staunch and hairy defenders of the eyeball, whisking away sweat and keeping you seeing.

2. Don’t look ridiculous. If you had no eyebrows, you’d sort of look like Whoopi Goldberg or the victim of a frat hazing that went too far.

No honestly, she has no eyebrows -- Google it, people!3. Quiet talk. They say that 95% of all communication is non-verbal. You know, it’s less what you say, more how you say it. It’s your dress, your walk, your eyes, and the way you move your body. And if that’s true, what Body Prop comes in handier for this quiet talk than your ol’ eyebrows? Pop them up to show surprise, squint them tightly to show you ain’t happy, and maybe furrow one slightly to show you’re a bit confused. Eyebrows can help you say so much with so little.

Although we may often forget it, our eyebrows are rocking the forehead from the day we’re born to the day we die. They soldier on in the sun, sleet, wind, and rain and need to look pretty doing it. They don’t take vacations and they don’t complain.

So let’s give it up for our eyebrows, ladies and gentlemen. Let’s give it up for dry eyes. Let’s give it up for showing emotion. Let’s give it up for not looking ridiculous.

And let’s give it up for love.


caterpillar2Photos from: here, here, and here

18 thoughts to “#792 Your eyebrows”

  1. Yes ladies, plucking is for the birds and monkeys! Brooke Sheilds is iconic for her beautiful full brow! People were constantly picking apart my brows and riding me to do shape and thin. Then one day, just a few years ago, I went to an Indian eyebrow threading artist who viewed, hummed and hawed, emphatically and matter-of-factly said, “Your eyebrows are perfect, shaped like a rainbow! You should not touch them, EVER! Do not listen to others, they are jealous. They are naturally beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!”
    And so there you have it people, I’ve been told and now so have you- I have rainbows for eyebrows!
    “Some where over the rainbow, skys are blue and the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true…”

      1. Cool story, Wendy! You were lucky to have a professional to encourage you. My friends and family were always telling me to pluck my brows shorter, and I was dumb enough to listen. I look back at old photos and think, “My brows were perfect. Why did I ever touch them?” Now they are too short and getting them to grow back has been torturous. Never let insecurity destroy the beauty you were born with!

        1. “Never let insecurity destroy the beauty you were born with.”
          Poignant! Great ad campaign for really beauty! So many men and women have lost their way with what is unnatural beauty. It’s a consumption and war within; so sad, aggressive and competetive against oneself.
          We do need to be cheer leaders for what is natural, to-be:)

  2. Oh yes, eyebrows can make or break a person’s look!

    @Wendy I’m thick browed girl too! Spent years trying to keep it thinly threaded and then finally decided to embrace it! It doesn’t even bother me anymore!

    Also, I will never forget the day an inexperienced eyebrow threading artist threaded my eyebrows into a teeny line. I looked like an overplucked anteater and cried on the (thankfully empty) bus ride home!

  3. I’m a very shy and quiet person, so non-verbal communication is something I use lots. I remember when I was like 10 or 11 years old I spent weeks and weeks trying to perfect the art of raising one eyebrow. I was so excited when I finally did it. It’s not quite as impressive as that buff guy at the top of this post, though. Those are some impressive eyebrows. He’s also very buff. I am very jealous.

      1. OK, OK… does no one not realize that the guy up top with the awesome raised eyebrow is none other than The Rock, The People’s Champ, The Brahma Bull, the great Dwayne Johnson? 8 time World Champion… movie star… wrestling awesomeness? He starred movies like Walking Tall, The Game Plan, Fast 5, Journey to the Center of the Earth, Toothfairy, The Other Guys….. he was also one of the guys who made watching fake wrestling really entertaining.

        1. Oh Bekah… Not even The Rock could make fake wrestling “entertaining” for me.

          (Also, I believe he’s supposed to be in the upcoming “GI Joe” movie alongside Bruce Willis, which I find weird, because it’s a sequel that now has a better cast than the original film.

          …Which has absolutely nothing to do with eyebrows, but I digress.) ;)

          1. I used to be a big fan, but the story lines kept getting worse and worse. Every now and then I’ll catch it while its on. And yes, I have seen that he’s supposed to be in that movie which I am excited to see whether he’s in it or not. I loved the first one.

      1. Thanks for this fun reminder! I always think of him doing it when he broke the fourth wall in Animal House…Hilarious!

  4. I never really pay attention to eyebrows until someone tries to make theirs all thin or just pencil them in or something. That’s not natural.

  5. my (2nd)best friend/mortal enemy kase lost a bet last week.
    his eyebrows paid for it. he came to school with a baseball hat on backwards but couldnt keep it on so he hasnt heard the end of it.

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