#698 Listening to your new favorite song over and over again

Commit it to memoryMemorize the lyrics, remember the beats, and hit the back button again and again until your new favorite tune is permanently etched in your brain.


Photo from: here

19 thoughts to “#698 Listening to your new favorite song over and over again”

  1. I used to do this all the time and eventually I’d get sick of the song. Good times. I don’t have a song I’ve done this with recently since most of the music I listen to nowadays are toddlers songs or pop singers whose targeted audience is my 8 year old daughter.

  2. This usually doesn’t happen to me. But recently my son bought me the new headstones CD. I haven’t stopped listening to it yet. EVERYDAY! This CD is awesome. However, I’m off to see Alice in chains in about 2 hours so maybe I should shift gears.

    1. Isn’t the headstones CD great? To have energy like that after all the years.
      I love it when a song is so good or catchy that it drives you to this behaviour. It makes me feel like I’m a kid again. Enthusiasm is the key to life!

  3. This happens frequently to me :) a song seizes me by the ears, and I have to exhaustively listen to it, and nothing else, a minimum of 20 time per day for about 3 weeks. In addition I seek out all covers of the song to compare interpretations. By the end of this I am convinced I know the song inside out – singing it in front of people at Karaoke is the only true acid test.

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