#688 Bailing on a toboggan

gt snowracerWhen I was six I rode in the front seat of a toboggan that ended up losing control and steering sideways into a barbed wire fence. My forehead shredded, hot tears racing down my cheeks, I learned at that moment that things can unravel real quick on those steep, snow covered hills.

Yes, a rocky start and some poor weight distribution push the toboggan hard into the slick and slippery snow which sprays sharp ice chunks into your eyes and ears. Things get swervy when your buddy jumps off the back which causes you to completely lose control and gain speed just in time to notice the creek bed coming up quick in front of you.

You have no choice at this point. Even though it means hitting the ground hard, twisting your ankle, and possibly rolling down half the hill, you just gotta do it.

Bail for the moment. Bail for the memories.

And bail for your life.


bail on a toboggan

Photos from: here and here

6 thoughts to “#688 Bailing on a toboggan”

    1. When I was showing the ever changing streams from snow melting off the mountains and they came to a trickle and Noah saw the snow was gone off the mountain peaks he cried and cried for he thought there’d be no snow ever again! We too can’t wait to see snow again, especially after the heat wave of summer!
      As for bailing to save your neck, your eye balls, your back and your life…I’m all for it…you betcha’!!!!

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