#472 Finishing your last exam

After sitting on a wobbly wood desk coloring in multiple choice bubbles for hours, you finally tip-toe to the front and hand in your last exam. Now you can say goodbye to biology, say goodbye to  photosynthesis, say goodbye to hypotenuses, and say goodbye to the hot stench of chalk dust and B.O. sitting heavy in the hot room.

Now you can say goodbye to early mornings, say goodbye to pop quizzes, and say goodbye to weekend homework.

Now you can say hello to summer.

It’s finally here.


— Email message —

“Today I finally made my way to a bookstore to pick up The Book of Awesome. It took a while for my friend and I to find it … and he doesn’t know secretly I bought it for him! He’s a year older than me, and is going to college in the fall, but I have to stay home for my own senior year. So as a present, I’m giving him your book in hopes that on those hard freshmen college days he has a little something to cheer him up and make his day AWESOME!” – Katie

Photos from: here and here