#146 When you ask the people in front of you if they’re in line and they’re not

I went to the airport yesterday.

Obviously, I got jacked on parking and my little pickup turned into a twelve-dollar fine for swerving around the maze-like lot for twenty minutes. On my way out I stopped at the Pay For Parking machines and, sure nuff, all of them were packed with people.

I tapped my foot like Sonic The Hedgehog for a minute before noticing a woman spoon-feeding her baby in a stroller near one of the machines. I moseyed on up and softly said, “Sorry ma’am, are you… using this?” to which she replied “Oh, no, not yet, go ahead.”

Who feeds their baby in front of a parking machine?

Well maybe I’ll never know the answer to that.

But I’m so glad I asked asked.

Because it put me on the fast track.


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