40 thoughts to “#66 The Sun”

  1. I’m not appreciating the sticky hot days we’ve been having, and won’t appreciate the sticky hot days we’re about to have in February to start the school year off, but despite all that, the sun is actually really awesome.
    This post made me smile bigly :D

  2. Nice. This is my first winter home in about 4yrs and I forgot how good the sun felt. While we don’t get to see the seasons or leaves change, it’s nice to enjoy 75 degree weather in January.

  3. I live in northern Norway and I just saw the sun for the first time after the winter today.

    1. My ultimate trip in life is to eventually visit Norway or Finland to see what it’s like when the sun doesn’t rise in the winter. Wow, I just think it’ll be an amazing experience!

  4. I d0n’t know what I’d do if I lived in places where they didn’t see the sun everyday. I love to watch the sun come up while I’m driving to work and watch the sun go down through my kitchen window while I’m cooking dinner. Its peaceful, beautiful.

  5. Nothing says January, and a true north strong and free Canadian winter better than feets of snow, 40 below temperatures, with a wind chill; natural outdoor ice skating rinks everywhere and snotsicles! (you know what I’m talking’ about!) And nothing says its horoscope~ “Aquarius”, better than, “Let the Sunshine…Let the Sunshine in…The Sunshine in!” :)

    1. I’d like to see some sunshine down here in the Fraser Valley. It seems to be hiding. I’ve been stuck at home for the past 3 days, I think I started to develop cabin fever :P
      Anybody have some sunshine to spare?!

      1. I LOVE winter, but for those who do struggle under the grey skies, (like my husband who grew up in semi-desert), You can buy full spectrum lights to help! I find the G.C.Super Store has best prices. And “Keep on the sunny side, always on the sunny side, keep on the sunny side of life! It will brighten all your days; it will help you everyway, when you keep on the sunny side of life:)”
        Can’t wait to go on the Awesome mission to meet Neil with you! btw Neil, what’s the date again;)

  6. I do love the sun, but after a very dry December and January, the rain we are going to get here in California will be equally AWESOME!!

  7. I adore the sun. The sun is like a huge smiley face in the sky always reminding you that there is a bright side to life.

  8. Incredible choice of a sun photo to warm the heart and soul.
    We the people plead with you Neil, to not let the sun go down on Awesome!
    It too sustains life! <3

  9. The symbol for Global Belly Laugh Day, January 24 is a smiling sun with 7 rays and dimples with the number 1 and 24. Why? Laughs and smiles are sunshine that transform our moments 24 hours a day, seven days of the week on the seven continents.
    On January 24 at 1:24 p.m. (local time) smile, throw your arms in the air and laugh out loud. Join the Belly Laugh Bounce Around the World.
    Your laughter is contagious. Thank you for letting us catch your laughter.
    Elaine Helle

  10. Could if be that that was TWO shades of blue I saw in the sky this evening? Joyful to welcome them both with an open smile.

  11. Have you noticed that when the sun rises, or sets over the prairies and parts of the escarpment, it looks just like the sun is kissing the brown soil good morning? To borrow from the more poetic Dante, I like to imagine the whole thing is propelled by “the love the moves the sun and other stars.”

      1. If I had any say at all, you’d gain as many points as did Neil for, “Rescue by dolphin!” :)

  12. The sun is awesome….. but what is even more awesome is “the right amount of distance between earth and the sun”

  13. “Even after all this time,
    the sun never says to the earth,
    ‘You owe me.’
    Look what happens with a love like that.
    It lights the whole sky.”

    Hafiz, Persian Poet.

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