#977 The smell of gasoline

Put a few drops on your wrist and neck

Tell me something: Have you ever rolled down your window at a gas station to catch some hot whiffs? While pumping gas have you ever spilled a few drops on your shirt for some free take-out smell? Baby, I know you’re with me. Because you know that the smell of gasoline is one of life’s simplest pleasures.

Now, I know a lot of people out there seem to think the smell of gasoline ain’t great for your brain. They insist you’re fritzing out all your head circuitry with these evil airborne hydrocarbons, the equivalent of releasing a sack of rats into the restaurant kitchen or pouring a can of Coke into your laptop air vent. And you know what? Maybe they’re right. I do fully agree that huffing gas fumes is really bad for you. That’s really not debatable. But the regular ol’ smell of gasoline just lingering around the fillup station? I say the jury’s still out on that one.

Now, don’t get me wrong: I have no idea why, when my dad pulled our old wood-paneled station wagon up to the Shell pumps, I’d love to get out and take a giant sniff of that hot, gassy air. But I know I did. Maybe I felt a bit like a woodsman stepping out of his cabin holding a cup of coffee, a baker pulling a tray of fresh, hot croissants out of the oven, or a wine tester swirling a big fat glass of Merlot before the big sniff. Maybe for a kid growing up in the suburbs the smell of gasoline at the local pumps was the same sort of deal. Just one of those great smells of life. A smell that says something about who you are. Something about where you come from. Something… about what you believe in.


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25 thoughts to “#977 The smell of gasoline”

  1. It’s kinda strange, but… yeah. I do seem to breathe harder at the petrol station.

    But I don’t spill drops of the stuff on my shirt. That may look a little bit questionable… o__O

  2. oh goodness! joy! i thought i was the only one who thinks that gasoline smells absolutely great. when i was a kid, i’d run to the road whenever i heard a truck passing just to catch the smell. awesome!

    1. So great to know I’m not alone in the world! When I was a kid and a school bus would drive past me on my walk to school, I’d always take a nice, deep inhale. :)

  3. Unfortunately this is a highly addictive habit that has ruined or ended many young lives. NOT awesome.

  4. Every time I’m pumping gas now, a memory pops in my head. Whether is one of being a kid and begging to be able to pump the gas or my days working at the gas station. Its an unforgettable smell.

  5. I never really smell gasoline that much. Spilling some on your shirt seems kinda dangerous. Fire hazard or something. Anyway, the smell of gasoline always reminds me of the underground parking that they have at malls and things.

  6. I have a theory that everyone has a “weird” or “odd” scent that they really like. I know several who like gasoline. I personally swoon over the scent of Chlorine and we’ve discovered my daughter loves the smell of playdough.

    I’ve always wondered if there is some personality trait that can be connected to what odd scent you like.

    1. That’s interesting about the personality trait. Maybe we could get someone to do some research or something.

    2. Fascinating! I’ve always loved the scent of playdough. Of course, I liked to eat /lick bits of playdough in grade school, so not sure you should really put stock in what I say.

          1. the salty flavor is from all the boogers off of the nose pickers finger-tips who’ve last played with the play dough!

  7. Gasoline, chlorine, playdough, all great . . .but NOTHING beats Moth Balls for me!

  8. Just started following

    I too like the smell, taking a whiff or two while filling up.

  9. For me it is the smell of bleach when I come home after the house has been cleaned…

  10. Yay! I am so, so glad to know that I’m not the only one. I was around the smell a lot growing up, as my dad was a mechanic. And I, myself, built a Chevy 350 when I was 16. (And, yes, I’m a straight female!) When I told Dad how I much I loved that smell, he flipped out and told me I’d better be careful. Years later I told the guys I worked with at an auto parts store. They said it explained a lot. LOL!!!

  11. I enjoyed the scent of gas as a kid, but at some point lost it. Now, it can actually make me nauseous.

    1. I’m sorry. Ya know, there for the longest time after I had Lilly, I couldn’t stand the smell of eggs cooking. Not while I was pregnant, this was after and lasted for a few years.

  12. Oh wow i thought i was the only one! I’m glad it’s not just me. Also love the smell of freshly laid tarmac-even better than gasoline!

  13. Mine isn’t gasoline, but diesel fumes. When I was in my late teens/early 20’s I spent a great deal of time, traipsing across the country some via the bus. Diesel fumes takes me back to my free and “hippie” youth. Awesome!!

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