#963 When someone offers to toss your dirty clothes in with their load of laundry

Where it happened

While flipping channels mindlessly the other day I ended up on the fast money round of Family Feud just as the host said to the contestant, “Name a household chore you don’t mind doing.”

The contestant flashed a split-second look of massive confusion before reluctantly spitting out an answer. When it was the second guy’s turn to answer the same question, he flashed the same look. Eyebrows furrowed, squints formed, and they looked like they thought it was a trick question. One ended up saying vacuuming and the other went with washing the dishes. Neither got the top answer which was doing laundry, so they unfortunately went home with empty pockets flipped inside-out with flies coming out of them.

But you know what? I’m with them. Who knew people liked laundry? That can’t be true. For me, laundry has two major strikes against it:

  1. Time. Laundry requires a huge time investment. You can’t just set it and forget it like our trusty old pal The Dishwasher. No, a few loads of laundry means an afternoon in and out of the laundry room or a night reading magazines at the laundromat. And you gotta be on the ball too, ready at any moment to rebalance the washer, transfer clothes into the dryer, or fold shirts before they get wrinkled.
  2. Effort. I am baffled by the laundry sorting process and have trouble interpreting that fancy hieroglyphic Triangle Square Circle language somebody invented to ruin my clothes.

Laundry hieroglyphics

For all these reasons it’s great when you’re lazily watching Family Feud on the couch and your spouse, roommate, or sibling trucks by carrying a basket full of clothes. If you’re lucky enough to get that “Hey, need to throw anything in here?”, then it’s show time! Now get going!

You’ve got maybe a minute or two before the washer starts filling up, so now’s your chance to immediately drop everything, run to your dirty clothes, and start flinging out everything you need over the next few days. Do it fast, run back to meet them, and thank them profusely as you toss your clothes in their pile.

Then it’s back to the couch for the Triple Money round, where you can rest easy knowing you’ll have some freshly cleaned undies for tomorrow morning.


Sparkling clean

Photos from: here, here, and here

12 thoughts to “#963 When someone offers to toss your dirty clothes in with their load of laundry”

    1. Okay… this guy is hilarious! Funniest part of the stage bwahhahaha. His washer impression is spot on.

  1. Back when I lived in my own apt by myself, I didn’t have a washer/dryer hookup. Instead of going to a laundry mat, I always mooched off people, using their laundry room. No one offered to do it for me, or throw it in with their stuff, but it was still nice to not have to go to a laundry mat where half the dryers didn’t work and the kids that was there fought with my kid every time.

  2. No one has ever offered to do this for me. C’est la vie. I’ve only watched a few episodes of Family Fued once. It was hilarious! I love all the random questions that the people get asked. And everyone is constantly clapping. They answer a question, then stop for a two minute round of applause. They ask a question, then stop for a two minute round of applause. The questions are my favorite part though. “What is another word for pancake?”, “Name something a vampire might be afraid of.”. Hilarious. Anyway, this comment is pretty long. Sorry for bothering everyone with my Family Fued rant.

    1. Don’t be hating on Family Fued, Max :-)! I grew-up watching that show and sometimes play it on my phone. It should get a spot of its own on the awesome list.

      1. I didn’t mean to sound like I was hating on the Family Fued. I didn’t grow up watching game shows, and I still rarely ever watch them, so to me their a wee bit odd. I always love watching them though. They’re always so cheerful!

        1. Max, nobody has ever offered to do my laundry either…I am the laundry offerer!
          As for your speech on Familt Fued-
          Hilarious- applause
          Questions a favorite part- applause
          Examples of questions- applause
          Always so cheerful- applause…
          *equally cheerful and awesome are your comments, always- Applause:)

  3. I see London, I see France, I see someones awesome under pants!
    Certain Freddo claimed those in 2008.
    couldn’t resist. need sheep. I mean sleep. Good night awesomeland.

  4. Pirate undies?! Cool! Yeah, I’m the offerer as well since I don’t mind laundry. In fact, sometimes I positively enjoy doing the wash.

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