#918 When you’re really tired and about to fall asleep and someone throws a blanket on you

Hey, you know what’s even better than taking a nap on the couch? Well, I’ll tell you: that feeling you get just before you fall asleep on the couch.

Yes, that’s when you enter that blissful, semi-conscious Pre-Nap World where your thoughts float and zoom around your brain and your muscles relax and detensify. The sun feels warm on your face, the radio on in the background fades to a comforting white noise, and you know… you just know… that you’re about to fall asleep.

It feels great.

There are really only two things that can disturb you when you’re in the Pre-Nap World:

  1. Feeling like you have to go to the bathroom. Sorry, but unless you trust your bladder to balloon without bursting, you might just have to get up for this one. Nobody can really help you go to the bathroom while you’re laying on the couch, unless they really, really love you.
  2. Feeling cold. You get those ol’ laying-on-the-couch shivers. You know your sheets and blankets are back on your bed, and you could just get up to get them, but you don’t really want to move because then you’ll leave the blissful Pre-Nap World. And it’s a nice world. That’s a world you don’t leave lightly.

So that’s why it’s great whenever someone notices your dilemma and just quietly grabs a blanket from the closet and tosses it on your semi-conscious self. If they’re really nice, they even flap the blanket above you and let it open up and softly land on you.

When that happens you immediately feel the warmth radiating around you, a tiny smile curls itself on the corners of your lips, and you fall deeper and deeper into a nice, relaxing rest.


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Photo from: here

18 thoughts to “#918 When you’re really tired and about to fall asleep and someone throws a blanket on you”

  1. I do love sleeping on the couch – but I keep blankets on every couch so I can fluff them over myself ^.^ But it IS much nicer when someone else does it, too true!

  2. Over ten years ago a boy broke my heart. I was sad, confused, and distraught. I went to my friend, Steffanie’s, house. She was married and had a couple of kids, but she wasn’t too busy to hug me and tell me over and over again what a stupid cad he was for breaking up with me. She didn’t want me driving home that night, so she set me up a bed on her couch. I was in the 1/2 way conscience state when I felt a heavy blanket being laid gently on my body. I was so gone that I couldn’t open my eyes or tell her thanks, but I wasn’t so gone that I couldn’t appreciate the awesomeness of having that heavy blanket on me!

      1. Yes indeed! Platinum!!!
        and when you ain’t fortunate enough for one of those, there’s always awesome-land-mates blankie of love, beacon of light and faith:)

      1. I haven’t been able to comment….. I am just able today by clicking on the Reply button under another comment, but it wouldn’t even let me do that earlier. I wonder what’s wrong. Apparently its just me.
        Anyway… yes, this is one of the best feelings in the world. To be almost in dream land and a loved one makes you more comfy and warm.

          1. I’m using work computer…………… Oh my gosh! Why have I not been using my phone? I bought a freaking smart phone for a reason, right? I can’t believe I didn’t think of that. I’ll try it out soon and see if that works.

  3. It’s like hearing a hummingbird’s wings and a butterfly sipping nectar; a new born baby’s cry. The feeling of a gentle kiss, a warm hug and caress that sends you off to an awesome la-la-land…~.~

  4. I’d definitely like that kid’s blanket…it looks like it’s sherpa-lined and so comfy, cozy!

  5. Love it! . you think about how hard it will be for you to drag yourself to I-don’t-know-where and find a blanket. And ! someone reads your mind and just throws a blanket on you! Awesome :D and sweet …

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