#916 The sound of scissors cutting construction paper

When you hear scissors cutting through a sheet of construction paper, you just know there’s some fun about to happen. The table is probably covered in glue sticks, glitter, pipe cleaners, and googly eyes, and everything is set for a day full of crafts with the camp counselor.

In some ways, this is essentially the kid equivalent of spreading tools out across the basement workbench before building a shelf, or taping windows and opening paint cans to get ready to coat the kitchen walls in a new shade.

Yes, the sound of scissors cutting construction paper is the sound of important work about to happen. It’s the sound of creativity bubbling. It’s the sound of ideas blossoming. And it’s the sound of some decent fun on a rainy afternoon.


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Photo from: here

13 thoughts to “#916 The sound of scissors cutting construction paper”

  1. Man, I envy preschoolers. Sometimes I look back at the artworks that my mother kept from my preschool years, all the finger-painting and construction paper and such, and I feel so nostalgic!

    1. I have kept every single thing my kids have scribbled on. I have so many boxes full of their art.

      That sound… its just so… if you put that together with the smell of crayons, I’m back to being in elementary school! I just love it. Its one of those things you can’t forget

      1. Elementary Watson! I just love it too!
        Grand-baby Noah’s litttle bro’ Bradley arrived 2 days ago and to Noah’s dismay was not packing a football, felt pen or hot wheel…yes, his nose is out of joint! SOoo, I bought a whole bunch of crafty stuff yesterday along with a whole new new book of construction paper with a special Noah day, today, in mind…and now, I’m going to take out the glitter, wiggly eyes, macaroni and, and , and…(sorry, I got really excited), and make my table look exactly like Neil layed it out for us! I can’t wait to share the millimoments with him, making crafty memories…!
        p.s. “opening paint cans and getting ready to paint the walls a new shade”, I can hear the “pop” and smell the freshness; I just LOVE the way you make this sound and feel; will be close to my heart~ next time:) Thanks gang!

        1. BIG congrats, Wendy! Enjoy the new addition to your family! Just wondering, when will you be writing a book? You’re quite a gifted writer!

          1. OH,Thank you, Kathy! He’s so delightful and perfect in every way!
            As for the book, you’re one of my greatest cheerleaders, so you’ll be one of the first to know! ~Thank you:)

  2. I loved doing arts and crafts when I was a kid. That sound is the sound of childhood fun. It’s just one if those things I will never forget.

  3. This used to be one of my fave activities with my students (second only to cooking with them)! They just got so excited when the supplies came out! I always loved the start of the school year with my full boxes of felt, wiggly eyes, glue, glitter (the best !!!!!), construction paper, etc. Especially grand were the weeks pre-holiday when we made all sorts of holiday-themed crafts!

    1. I need to be more crafty with my kids. I haven’t done any crafts with them in a long time. Most of what they do and I keep is from school or day care. I think this is the weekend for orange construction paper to make paper jack-o-lanterns.

  4. I used to love doing DIY stuff. Now that I’ve got to go to work, I can’t seem to find time to do these things again.

    I wish I could do a pop-up story-telling book again :(

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