14 thoughts to “#876 Taking your bra off after wearing it for hours”

  1. It is truly awesome! This entry is made even more awesome by the fact that when you hover over the picture it says “shackles”! :)

  2. As I get older, I seem to appreciate this more and more. I used to wear mine all the time, sometimes I even slept in one. But now… oh, as soon as I know I’m home for the night, there’s not going to be any visitors…. that thing comes off.

  3. yes! Confession: if I don’t have anywhere to go I will get into pajamas before dinner and throw on a robe so that I don’t have to wear my bra.

    1. I love just lounging in my PJ’s. I’ve become quite proud of the days that I manage to stay in them all day…. rare, but I enjoy them.

    1. Well, um, I’m sure there’s some other thoughts going on there, but, yeah, that’s pretty much it.

  4. That’s funny.,. I just did it one minute before I read this!
    and yes it always feels awesome…

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