As that cell phone, digital camera, or pair of sunglasses crash lands on the concrete everyone gasps as it crunches, bounces, and skids hard…
Suddenly your eyes blur, stomach twists, and world flips as you fade back and suddenly realize you’re covered in scrubs inside a busy hospital ER.
You glance down the hall and see ambulance guys racing towards you wheeling your bloody cell phone strapped to a gurney without any noticeable lights or beeps. Someone’s got an icebox holding the battery case that blew off and a nurse is screaming that signal strength has flatlined.
Your eyebrows furrow and pupils dilate as you snap on latex gloves, pull up your face mask, and start frantically checking for vitals. You scan for signs of blunt trauma, pop the battery in and out, and then finally stare straight into your cell phone’s face while closing your eyes, wincing, and forcing yourself to push Power.
There is a pause.
Nurses lean in with wide hopeful eyes, ambulance guys jostle and crowd, and nervous friends squeeze their own phones tightly for comfort and support. Then suddenly as everyone waits… and waits… and wait…
The power flashes and blinks back on.
And there is cheering.
— Email message —
“After finding your blog 2 months ago and reading it daily I finally made it to the store to buy The Book of Awesome. Also on the agenda that day was meeting up with a friend i haven’t seen for 8 months. So our supper was me saying: ‘because of this blog and this book i’ve decided to live the awesomest life ever! This is my new handbook!’ It’s awesome inspiring people to live a better and richer life by appreciating the awesomeness they experience daily. I hope there’s a Book of Awesome 2 in the works! p.s. for dinner I went for the AWESOME Denny’s Slamburger, a late night special!” – Alyssa
Photo from: here