#539 When you open a book to the exact page you were looking for

You cracked the case.

Seriously, when you pop open that textbook, flip open the yellow pages, or split the spine of that beach novel right to the spot you’re looking for it’s a beautiful moment.

Suddenly you transform into a gloomy trenchcoat-wearing detective who solves the case just by glancing at the crime scene. Yes, the street’s been taped off, someone’s crying under a blanket on the curb, and the city police are filling out witness statements on their notepads.

That’s when you peel up in a navy blue squad card, calmly light up a cigarette, and then stare at the surrounding buildings for a few minutes with furrowed eyebrows.

Then you calmly walk back to your cruiser, smile softly, and roll your window down at the local police before screaming away down the wet roads.

“Page 127.”


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Photos from: here and here

1,354 thoughts to “#539 When you open a book to the exact page you were looking for”

    1. Love this one! I don’t usually watch Jeopardy anymore only because it makes me feel really stupid. But it was just playing one day and I had the correct question to the answer!! Felt really smart for a moment.

  1. If I change me email address, will I get a different colored square?? Not that i don’t enjoy being a green square, but my email at work has changed.

    1. No idea. Anyone have any input here?

      Whatever you become, Bekah, we will come to love that just as much as the green square. Yellow diamonds? Pink sparkles?

      Whatever it is, it’s got to be better than my big splash of brown!

      1. It’s ok, Freddo, you have an .. um, easily distinguishable square. As I breeze through comments, I always know which are yours! :)

        1. Thanks, Laura! That makes me feel a little bit better about it. I mean, if I had my choice of all the squares, I’m not sure I would’ve picked the “poop-inspired” one, as my wife would call it. (She uses the word “poop” a lot.. that’s about as salty as her language gets).

          However, if you say it’s easy to recognize, I’ll take it!

          Yours reminds me of either a pin-wheel, or some sort of alien creature you used to have to shoot down in “Space Invaders”

        1. Let us know what happens here Bekah, when you change your e-mail. You’ll be our green squared guinea pig!

          1. Yes! You’ll have to note that you’re posting as the Commenter Formerly Known as Green Square Bekah!

            1. This is me trying out a new email address… see if the green square changes. If it does I will probably switch back, unless its better than the green square. :-)

              1. I think I will stick to my green square. yeah the blue one is pretty, but the green one is easier for me to find.

                1. Good choice Bekah. While the blue snowflake was nice, we’ve come to know and love you as Green Squared Bekah.

                  We wouldn’t want you any other way.

                  Poop-squared Freddo

    1. The only time i remember this happening to me is high school gym class. I was running around the gym with my bff and I tripped over my own feet and basically “fell” for about 1/4 of a lap. When we reached the end I ran into the wall and kind of bounced off and kept going. Never hit the floor but my friend did because she was laughing so hard at me.

  2. Seedless fruit is awesome. It may be chemically engineered/altered, but think of how much more enjoyable your grape-eating experience is. How about watermelon? There are enough seeds in them, at least, to engage in the watermelon-seed-spitting that everyone likes, but not enough to be too inconvenient.

    1. I love seedless oranges. I don’t mind the seeds in watermelon, but when i take a slice of orange and pop it in my mouth, I don’t want to have to root around in there with my tongue to get out a seed.

  3. Here’s the scene: you’re cruising down the highway doing the customary 5 mph over the speed limit. It’s slighty outside of rush hour – lots of cars, but not quite bumper to bumper.

    Then comes some yahoo, weaving in and out of traffic and scaring everyone half to death. The yahoo finally gets a little bit of room and vvvrrrrrrooooooooommm he’s on the gas. You begrudingly (and sarcastically) think “geez buddy, take it easy. Hope you get where you’re going on time”. You continue on your merry way until….

    … 3 miles later you see the yahoo pulled over by the police. Mean? Sure. Awesome? Most definitely.

    1. Whenever I see someone being dangerous like this I always say, “Yep, he’s gonna get caught down the road.” Most times I do see the car pulled over with a cop and I silently giggle to myself.
      These people are in a hurry to go…where? I’m sure being pulled over or wrecking will take longer than waiting in traffic. Slow it down people!

      1. This is a great one, but happens far too infrequently for my taste. I’ve only had this satisfaction a few times. I feel like the “bad guys” get away with it too often.

        Saw this recently with some guy on a motorcycle going about 100 mph down the middle between two lanes of traffic. I don’t know how the cop managed to chase him down. It was awesome.

    2. I’ve seen a few where the police wasn’t fast enough to stop him before the ambulance was needed.

      Our local paper once ran a story about someone who ran from the cops just to crash into a stray cow crossing the road. There’s the beef!

                    1. Every time I think about the cops running over that poor cow, ice cream at the injustice of it all.

  4. Watching my puppy wake up in the morning! It is the cutest thing ever! he yawns, and roles on his back!! Knowing that he going to be this cute every morning when I wake up is awesome!!

  5. The first brush with a new toothbrush

    It’s never the same again; but that one time when you rip open that cardboard back with the perforated lines that never work and get to work- mmm, your mouth never knew clean like this! It’s like a toothbrush on turbo mode. And that fresh feeling afterwards…. simply AWESOME!

    1. My daughter has an elephant stuffed animal that she cannot sleep without. When I was little I had an orange stuffed cat that I needed to fall asleep. His name was, of course, Orange.

        1. My wife’s favorite “stuftie” as a kid was named: “Mini Sheepie”.. Bet you can’t guess what he looked like.

  6. Trips to the corner store when you were a kid.

    Your mom or dad or grandmother would give you money to get a loaf of bread or gallon of milk and enough left over for a “treat”. With the promise of a delicious reward for your time and effort, you went skipping down the street.

  7. Ice Cream Truck.

    You’re playing outside when you hear that familiar bell. The ice cream truck is coming! And the race begins! Can you get inside and find someone to give you money before the ice cream truck is gone again? Sometimes you did, and other times you didn’t, but when you didn’t, it made you appreciate the times you did.

    1. I lived on a circle drive growing up (aka dead end), and while it was AWESOME for playing ball in the street, we never had the ice cream man come down our street. :( I had to get my jollies at a friend’s house, which was still a rare occasion! Still awesome, though. :D

  8. People on bicycles in business suits. They’re great, with either a briefcase clutched in one hand that’s also holding the handlebars, or a backpack that doesn’t fit with the fancy suit and shot cuffs. It’s especially fantastic to see them with their suit pants stuck into their socks. When you see business people in suits you know it will be a good day because the weather is fine and someone is saving the environment on behalf of all of us.

    1. Many of the ones around here aren’t actually business men, but Jehovah’s Witnesses that are going door to door hoping to convert people. It is cool that they bicycle instead of driving, but they have to be uncomfortable because they do not dress for the weather.

    2. I can’t say i have ever seen a guy in a suit on a bike before. I’m gonna have to keep my eyes open for that one now.

  9. Rediscovering that lost Treasure Box

    It might be and old shoebox, an overstuffed envelope or even a plastic container. What they all have in common are a content full of old memories. Maybe Mom cleaned out the attic or gave it to you when you left home. Best yet is when it is randomly returned to you by a stranger, after you left it behind after a year away at school.
    Everyone’s is different, school art that spent two years on the refrigerator back in the 70’s, pictures of you and a childhood friend whose name you can’t remember but the goofy smiles are huge.
    Some contain torn stubs from your first movie date, or first rock concert, swimming badges or
    that puck that you scored the game winning goal with. And the letters, from the days before email and texting, love letters you received, the ones you always wanted to send but never did. A dried flower from prom. Mementos, certificates of awards and achievement. All those milestone markers like your first driver’s license or paycheck stub. That lock of hair that proves you really were a blond back then.
    You see it again and the anticipation builds. It’s all in there, the tangibles and the not so, the smiles, the tears, the memories of times, things and events that made you who you are today…. AWESOME!!

  10. The Guy at the lunch counter who knows your order so well you don’t even have to say anything. You just give each other a look and it will be there for you in 5 min or less. Pure. Awesome.

    1. The other day I was telling my friend Caitlin that I wanted to be a “regular” somewhere, so I could have this exact experience! At this point, she and I had been carpooling 2 days a week and stopping at Starbucks every morning that we rode together. The day after this conversation, the guy at the Starbucks counter looked up, saw us, and said, “Same as usual, ladies?”

      It. Was. AWESOME!! :D

      1. I worked at a gas station and I loved it when the regulars came in. I knew exactly what they were going to get. I had their cigarettes or lottery tickets ready to go before they even came to the counter. Saved a lot of time.

  11. Successful surprises.

    Oh, yes. They’re the ones that actually work. And it’s never complete without that classic OMG-no-way-you-didn’t face, cakes with your face painted on it in vanilla icing, finger food, streamers, popping confetti, and glow sticks. Lots and lots of glow sticks.

  12. Experiencing the magic of someone else’s writing and/or storytelling is AWESOME because it takes you other places. The past, a distant land, a better place, anywhere that giggles are free and laughs are aplenty.

  13. Being able to hit the hacky sack more than once. I remember in high school we would stand in a circle and kick that little ball around, but when I go solo and try to kick it more than once…I usually turn up unsuccessful. So when I get that second kick in there….. its always awesome.

  14. Perfectly brewed pot of coffee.
    Coffee at work is soooo bad. Everyday I try different things to make it taste better. Add a little more water, a little less, bit more coffee, how about a little more sugar in my cup……Finally…. its perfect and awesome!

  15. Library Book Trucks.

    I work at a library, and one of the ladies that worked there was telling us a story.

    She said that back in the day, libraries had many disadvantages and couldn’t reach all the people in the town that wanted to check out books. This was caused by various reasons, like the location of the library and the general size of it just to name a few. So the Almighty Librarian Council created the LIBRARY TRUCK.

    Essentially, it was an ice cream truck that sold library books rather than ice cream.

    1. The Bookmobile here visits spots around the county weekly. When I was young there was a contest among schoolchildren to create the best design for it. The winning drawing was used.

      Now, in addition to books, you can check out DVDs and CDs for two weeks at a time. Awesome!

  16. When the movie you went to see was sold out so you pick another one and it turns out to be great!

    Sometimes you’ve been waiting months to see the newest blockbuster. Sometimes you just tagged along with some excited friends. Either way its so disappointing to arrive at the theatre and find your show sold out.

    “But we got here an hour early!” you’ll exclaim.

    That one adamant friend will always insist you see the later show, the one that doesn’t end until 2am. And then a few others will protest with silly things like work in the morning(oh how I hate being the one to protest when I have work at 6 am). So you’ll all mull it over, contemplate sneaking in, realize there are probably no more seats.

    The easily-scared friend doesn’t want to see the horror movie. Your couple friends saw the only other awesome looking selection last weekend. You think that new buddy-cop movie looks awesome, but Bob says his cousin told him it was awful.

    So you debate and argue and finally pick another movie. And no one is ever too excited about this, because odds are its nothing big. Nothing that got too much publicity. Its just the only other movie that no one actually objected to seeing.

    You all head to your seats feeling pretty down. This was not the exciting evening you anticipated. You grumble through the pre-show trivia, and the trailers. And then the movie starts.

    And isn’t it just wonderful when that hidden gem turns out to be everything you’re looking for in a movie? You laugh, you cry, you really genuinely enjoy it. And when you leave later, you realize its a good thing that other show was sold out. Because if it weren’t you would have never gotten to see this one!

    1. Yes! One time a friend and I went to see Mr. & Mrs. Smith, but it was sold out. We ended up seeing Madagascar instead, which I LOVED! I never even saw Mr. & Mrs. Smith. (Though I’ll note that my friend was the one who was more upset in having to forego that movie for Madagascar, though she loved the alternative as well.)

    2. The time this didn’t work? When my sister and I went to go see some movie that was sold out (now I forget the original movie, which is sort of making me regret posting this comment and crappy story), and we see the Butterfly Effect instead.

      Now, both of us are big wimps with scary movies (particularly me), and we ended up having to walk out of the movie after about 10 minutes. The awesome part? The movie theater gave us a refund!

      The other awesome part? My sister did all the talking, claiming that SHE was the one that was too scared, when it was actually me! My sister is awesome! :)

  17. Having the perfect hammock setup.

    The trees are not too far apart, which creates a bad swinging radius, nor, are they too close together, which means you’re going to drag the ground.

    The hammock itself is also pretty awesome. Is there any better way to take a nap on a sunny spring afternoon?

    Finally, the hammock can be used as comedic relief. You know you laugh when someone falls out of one, don’t try to lie about it and say you don’t. Then, just try using the phrase “banana hammock” without giggling a little.

  18. Watching scary movies in the dark. Half the people I watch scary movies with want to do it during the day or with a light on.
    When its late at night and I’m home by myself, I always put in a scary movie. The dark helps me scare myself into believing things. The littlest noise can freak me out. Love it!

    1. Got to do this last night. I was engulfed in my scary zombie movie (Neil made me want to watch a zombie movie with his comment yesterday) and when hubby came home, I was scared a bit. LOL… the movie wasn’t over yet when he came home and he kinda ruined it by turning on the lights.

  19. Old family movies you forgot you had. The one with you pretending to do do WWE wrestling with your dad or dancing on your grandpa’s toes. And the best are the ones where people didn’t know they were being taped and suddenly spot the little red light :-)

  20. Donating to a good cause. It always makes me feel great about myself, knowing I am helping someone in need. Whether I donate money or my time, its always an awesome feeling. I volunteer for a couple of organizations and I wouldn’t trade that feeling for anything.

  21. Gag gifts. My family has this one gag gift that we pass around during Christmas. Its always funny even though we expect it.
    My little brothers are my favorite people to give gag gifts to. A little fake vomit, maybe something a little girly, its always funny.

    1. Yes! Awesome! My uncle, who is usually spot-on with his gifts, got my mom, sister, and me each this odd glass purse thing a few years ago. It was so weird. We all looked at each other like, “Well what are we going to do with these?” The next friend’s birthday that came along (which just so happened to be one of my guy friends!), I decided I should re-gift this little gem. So I packed it up and wrapped it for him, and the look on his face was PRICELESS! Now it’s an inside joke and something that gets passed from friend to friend upon the next friend’s birthday. :D



          1. Why didn’t you take them all with you and remake it!?! If I could have a Wham! album on my wall right now, I’d totally be in the best mood all the time!

            1. Hahahah oh the Wham! album … Well, that was when I lived in the dorms like three or four years ago, so I had to take them down. All the album covers are still in great condition (my roommate and I spent a lot of money to buy those 3M poster strip things that won’t damage the wall or whatever you’re hanging) and I still have all the albums/covers. When I moved to my apartment, I didn’t hang them up, but when I move again … I’m highly considering it! I loved that wall. Here’s another shot (because I know you’re just DYING to see … haha):


              1. Ooooh!! All the records hanging around the top are a nice added touch as well!

                The ONJ “Physical” album is another highlight!

                *Two thumbs up*

  22. Being lost at night after waking up somewhere you don’t remember you fell asleep. Maybe you fell asleep on the couch or at a friends house. You wake up and look around, lost for a second, wondering where you are and why you aren’t in your own bed…then it hits you…you recognize where you are and you fall back to sleep.

  23. The prime parking spot.
    Its a busy Saturday morning. The parking lot is completely full. You decide that instead of wasting time driving up and down every lane, you are just going to park in the back…so you pull down a lane to head to the very last parking spot when all of a sudden you see back up lights on the car in the spot right in front of the doors. You wait, he pulls out….Score!! Its all yours.

  24. Doing your nails PERFECTLY without the help of a manicurist. Because your friends all ask you where you went, and you just have to say, “oh, my bathroom, you know.”


    1. I’m not very good doing my own nails, but I am AWESOME when it comes to my daughters. She is only 5, but she shows those nails off to everyone. Everyone will ask her where she got them done and give me a weird look~like why are you taking your 5 year old to a salon~ and she says…mommy did it and I get that great sense of pride and I smile.

  25. The moment after you apologize to someone you love and everything is okay again. The weight is lifted off of your shoulders, and the world is AWESOME again.

  26. Playing games with little kids – because they always find things more fascinating that we do. It’s like they escort us into the lost world of childhood AWESOME

  27. Crakin open a new tube of toothpaste.
    There’s really not enough left for you to brush once more, but you desperately try everything in your power to squeeze that last bit out. Whether it be with tweezers or the end of your toothbrush, or even your poor thumb, you will not give up. When finally you realize there is a brand spankin new tube in the drawer and you throw away the empty tube so proudly and crack open a new tube and with little strength at all, ply a nice amount of toothpaste on your brush

  28. The feeling you get when the doorbell rings and you know the person you love is on the other side… chills up the spine, giggles in your throat, and running to the door to let them in. AWESOME

  29. The first morning of not being sick after a long battle with the illness in weeks before. Expecting to wake up with the clogged throat, the stuffy nose and the crusty eyes, but being able to wake up without tending to your face and orifices – AWESOME

  30. The moment the cord is pulled when you go on the SkyCoaster and you are falling hundreds of feet straight down towards the little man-made pond… your stomach disappears into the depths of your sinuses, and your body prepares to meet its doom. But seconds later you swing back up into the air, and you come to the realization that you have survived another risky endeavor – AWESOME

    1. That is so great to not have that awkwardness. With some friends, you could have been apart for 5 days or 5 years and you pick right up where you left off. So amazing.

  31. Getting up early on a fall morning and taking a walk in the woods. It’s still foggy, the birds are rustling but not actually chirping yet because the sun hasn’t quite peeked over the mountaintops.
    Then when it does, the whole forest explodes with sound, birds chirping, squirrels scolding you for daring to come on their turf, woodpeckers drumming solos on their favorite trees, the fog burns away, you startle deer at their breakfast, and then you turn to go home, with jeans soaked to the knees from the dew on the grass, sneakers damp and cold…..and the feeling that all is right with the world.

  32. Hearing a baby’s genuine laugh, because once you hear that, you are overcome with a huge warm, fuzzy feeling that then allows you to get a huge smile on your face. A baby’s laugh is so pure, so innocent, and just so amazingly cute and it’s one of those things that come with no strings attached, no illusions of trying to impress someone and no other purpose but to just laugh and be happy.


  33. When your significant other wakes up before you do, and you don’t have to bother them and bug them and drag them out of bed like the bad guy… AWESOME

    1. I would imagine that is how my SO feels sometimes as I am usually the one that has to be pulled out of bed moaning and groaning. He loves it when I jump out of bed before him, but generally this means a role reversal occurs and I am the one pulling him out of bed!

  34. Holding a baby. So warm and cuddly and soft. And then they start to scream.

    And then you give them back to their parents.


  35. Spraying whipped cream straight into your mouth from the can. Skip that whole “on top of the dessert” bit. Go for the gold. Right onto the tongue. All buttery and sugary and creamy. Melting on your palate.

    There’s nothing quite like it. Who says you need chocolate cake?


    1. I like to do this with chocolate syrup. When I need a quick chococlate fix, I break out that bottle and squeeze some right in my mouth.

      Making chocolate milk in your mouth instead of a cup!! Take a drink of milk, add in some chocolate syrup….and shake your head. Ta Da!

  36. Going to a high school musical (when you are WAY beyond high school age). Pick out a school you didn’t attend and just drop in for The Music Man or South Pacific or Grease. Choose the cutest guy to have a crush on. AWESOME!

    1. Me and my bff sometimes venture to our old high school to watch the musicals. Seeing our old teachers and maybe even a few old friends is always great.

  37. My moment of awesome is brought to you by my date last night: That moment on a first date when you first bump arms or touch somehow, and it’s electric. AWESOME. :)

  38. Spring… the weather gets warmer, the birds are chirping, the flowers bloom, the trees are green again… awesome.

    1. I haven’t seen silly putty since I was a kid. I loved that stuff. I never really did anything with it, just squished it in my hand over and over again. Made a snake a few times….. LOL…

    2. I remember being so fascinated with the fact that you could put Silly Putty onto a newspaper and have it transfer over. Awesome!

    3. You can make silly putty with borax (you can find it with the laundry supplies in stores), white glue, couple drops of food coloring, and a bit of water (add only if too thick).

      Have fun!

      1. Uhhh.. Jay.. not to nitpick, but if I’m already at the store, and I want Silly Putty, wouldn’t it be easier to just… you know.. buy Silly Putty?

        Unless of course you happened to have Borax already at home..

  39. Sitting on a bench at the lake watching the sun set behind the islands in the middle. With a cup of hot chocolate and the right music in your ipod, nothing beats this awesomeness.

    1. There really is something serene about water and sunsets. Lakes, oceans, ponds, heck – even a ditch if you’re in a pinch! The sun off the water is always beautiful.

  40. That first day after a long, cold winter that you walk outside after work or school and realize that you don’t need a coat. Yeah, it’s probably only marginally about freezing, but after surviving the frigid temperatures of winter it feels like a heat wave. Buh Bye bulky winter coat (at least for the ride home).

    1. Exactly! The weather here last week was finally nice enough to not wear a coat, and then we got 2 days of chilly weather. Sorry, coat, but I already put you away. Gonna have to tough it out, because it’s still warmer than it was ;D

  41. When you think that your going to be late, then you get to your destination on time. Maybe the roads aren’t as jammed as usual, or the lights are all green in your favor. Weather it be work, or fun, it’s always great to be on time! AWESOME!!

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