The Top 1000

(Want more? Click here for The Next 1000 started in 2019 and going until…)

4,250 thoughts to “The Top 1000”

  1. Playing Free Bird’s guitar solo really, really loud on a sugar rush and feeling like a rock star for a couple of minutes.

  2. 1. Taking the time to double-check your work on an exam and actually finding a mistake you can correct
    2. When you arrive at the bus stop right before the bus does

    I love this site! :)

  3. ; holding hands. i just love the simplicity of that connection with someone else.
    ; not being ID’d at a bar when you’re only eighteen.
    ; turning on the TV and realizing that your favorite movie is just starting.
    ; when you’re shopping and you find the PERFECT dress. it’s the perfect color, perfect size, just all around perfect. then you take it up to the till and they tell you it’s on sale.
    ; being in love with your best friend.

  4. Remembering something after you’ve long forgotten it.

    Reminiscing with an old friend. Even when you get to the point where conversation should be getting awkward, your friend goes, “Remember that time…” and reminisce on.

    Looking at old pictures.

    Retyping something from a copy, only staring at the copy, not at the screen or your fingers, then to look at the screen and realize you’ve made no typos whatsoever.

    The word whatsoever, and any other unhyphenated word made up of three words. The only other one I can think of is nonetheless.

    Words that have two vowels, other than “e” or “o”. e.g. continuum, skiing, aardvark

    Waking up before your alarm goes off and realizing that you got the perfect amount of sleep, and getting out of bed on time and well-rested. Guarantees an awesome day.

    Reading this list and finding one that has touched you so awesomely and going out and doing that thing.

    The perfect summer day. Usually spent with one person, doing everything and nothing and never getting bored.

    How tan you were as a child.

    The perfect tan, complete with crisp tan lines.

    Going back to/turning on your phone a missed call (that’s not from your mom) and more than one text message. (Bonus awesome: if the texts are from different people.)

    How flirtatious you can be via text message, email, IM. You can say everything you want to without them seeing you blush.

    Your first kiss with someone new.

    The nervous, excited feeling in the pit of your stomach that you get when you think about someone you like.

    Laughing out loud alone.

  5. Forgot one.

    Singing really loudly to lyrics that are relevant to your life at that time. (Bonus awesome: when you’re with a commiserate and you sing along together.)

  6. Weekends or a Free day due to an official declared holiday.

    The feeling when exams are over.

  7. the “brick-wall” feeling on relaxation about 25 minutes after taking some sleep medication.

  8. 1. the sound of cracking open an ice cold can of pop on a hot summer day.
    3. when you’re in a field and there is no shade and the sun is beating down on you and a little breeze comes up and saves you.
    4. Swish!
    5. when you go to the store for 3 things and they are all on sale.

  9. Picking a lock with a bobby pin or a paper clip. I’ve never been able to do this and have only seen it done in movies and TV, but I could only imagine mastering this would be


  10. When a stranger tells you you’re pretty/handsome, but not because they’re hitting on you.

    Patios. And decks.

  11. When the transfer window opens for the summer and the newspapers link your team to amazing players.

    in the English Premiership, teams have only two set times during the year where they can buy other players. During that time it’s electric reading the gossips

  12. I think it’s awesome when you smile or laugh so hard your cheeks start to cramp! and toe socks! oh and also when your out in public and have to scratch somewhere embarrassing, like ur ass/armpit/nose, and you realize that no one else is around and you CAN scratch it!

  13. Pulling a successful MacGyver manoever.

    Fixing something in an unconventional and previously un-thought-of way – thus saving the day and surprising those who had doubts.

    (getting locked keys out of a car with a wire coathanger, fixing something electronic when everyone else has given up.. etc)

  14. using a brand new toothbrush for the first time!

    overhearing someone say something nice about you!

    that scary but awesome feeling you get when you drive through the carwash for the first time!

    swinging on swingsets!

    when people surprise you with food for no reason!

  15. Wow, that last 100,000 visitors came fast and furious.

    Awesome success for Neil and well-deserved.

    I still tell everyone I know that this is the best site on the Internet and that they should visit every weekday, but dude…how bout some themed T-shirts or reversable ponchos for those of us that have been here since Broccoflower?

  16. A dream is like a good movie or TV show all you wish is no interruptions so actually sleeping through and finishing a dream is on one of my top amazing things

    Another one is doing something amazing only yo eat your favourite food

    Something that happened quite recently I won a district competition in my trade and I’m going to the state comp and staying in a hotel few hours left let me get this slurpee while eating launch

    ……….. best slurpee ever………..

    Once I actually got there after our competition were over (yay) we had a nice stress reliving party usually I wouldn’t dance or just dance with friends but I thought what the heck and picked some random girls to dance with….

    Let me tell you that was the best dominos pizza i’ve ever tasted…..

    But to be fair the hotel food was not much competition (pardon the pun) to begin with…

  17. * The impromptu sing-a-long:

    You know the one I mean: like a real-life episode of ‘Fame’! It’s always kickstarted by someone half-heartedly humming a well known hit, but ends up a full blown performance with everyone joining in, complete with harmonies and air instruments. Only lasts a single song, but is the epitomie of awesomeness.

    * Alerting a frustrated driver to your parking spot just as you’re leaving.

    * Finally finding the perfect use for that ‘doo-dad’ from the ‘odds & ends’ cupboard.

    * Making something broken work again just by whacking it (‘fonz’ stylee).

    * Telling a joke with perfect timing.

    * Having the perfect comeback for an insult.

    * Realizing somebody’s accidentally given you double.

    * Feeling the ‘Christmas Spirit’ for the first time since last year.

    …and, perhaps best of all…

    * The first time you’re acknowledged as a ‘Regular’ (“Hey man, the usual?” – four words so AWESOME you could cry)

  18. When you go to the mailbox and find a letter from the Government. Your mind starts darting in allof its corners thinking , “Is there something I forgot to do – is there something I DID do that I shouldn’t have, how much is it going to cost me, etc”. You go sit down and stare at it for a short while but it is teasing and taunting – “Go ahead, come on – open me – what are you afraid of – is there soemthing you didn’t tell me?”.
    And then, you hold your breath for a second, rip the end off, pull the single sheet out and THERE IT IS – some good news!!!

    Your heart soars just a little and you do a little happy dance and life is good – again!

  19. Realizing you love someone.
    Picking up the phone before it rings.
    Swimming in the rain.
    Being able to fast-forward through commercials.
    Trailers at the movie theatre.
    S’mores when they are gooey and hot.

  20. -toaster ovens
    -small town corner stores where penny candies are actually a penny
    -holiday Mondays
    -watching a horror movie all alone, with all the lights out, and scaring yourself silly.

  21. Love this!

    -A compliment from a complete stranger
    -A first kiss with someone special
    -A good hair day
    -Getting all green lights

  22. when they close the doors on the plane and you realize the seat beside you is going to stay empty.

  23. The pleasant surprise of using a gas station washroom that smells nice/looks clean when you totally expected it to be really disgusting.

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