The Top 1000

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4,250 thoughts to “The Top 1000”

  1. Forgetting the cleaning lady was coming and after a 10 hour day at work walking into a really clean home instead of the mess you left at 6 that morning!!!

  2. Hi Neil;

    Heard you on the radio this morning and wanted to congratulate you on all your success.

    Here is one add on. Searching for the perfect gift for your family/friend & trying to find it within your budget. Finding said perfect gift and the expression you get from family/friend once opened. Happens only once in a while… one of the best feelings ever, that you made someone feel so special that you thought of the perfect gift & ACTUALLY found it for them.

    Keep up the great work, this site made me smile all morning!

  3. These are awesome.

    How about:
    You find a pair of socks with no holes in it on the first try.

    Just reading a really, really good book.

  4. – when someone has a rediculous laugh in a crowded movie theatre comedy and it then makes everyone else laugh that much harder
    -free food from family, or when a family member takes you to the grocery store and pays
    -spring-time when things aren’t dead anymore
    – a loony any form of ttc
    -when the ttc pulls up just as you get there
    -your favourite jam (aka song) in a bar
    -when someone uses a perfectly times tv show/movie line at the perfect time aka “what was all that one in a million talk” Dumb & Dumber

  5. Putting your handprints in freshly poured cement!

    Singing at the top of your lungs as you drive down the highway.

    Going underwater at the deep end of the pool and experiencing a moment of complete peace and relaxation

  6. Hi. Heard you on CHUMFM this morning. Very inspirational story. I have two awesome things…..

    Receiving your Income Tax Rebate just when your bank account is just about to hit $0.

    Getting into your car after a bad day at work, turning on the radio and hearing a song that makes you smile and forget about it.

  7. Hi Neil

    Was listening to you this morning, congrats on the success and the up coming book.

    Waking up in the morning with your hair standing up and the make-up you forgot to wash off smudged down your face and your little one tells you how beautiful you are as they kiss you good morning

    Standing there with your teenage daughter having a conversation when she realises that she is standing the exact same way as mom is…’s actually priceless lol

    Seeing your child at the book shelf getting a book but notice that he/she is really sleeping standing up with their head leaning on it

    Taking a picture of the above mentioned so you can display it at the reception when they decide to get married!!!

  8. A shopping cart with perfectly round wheels.

    When you see a cop with his lights on coming up behind you really fast, your heart stops, and he pulls over the car in front of you.

    Eating the first chunk of an ice cold watermelon that has just been split open on a hot summer day.

    Finally dislodging that piece of popcorn kernel that has been stuck in your gums for two days.

  9. Hey Neil! I just love youur blog & like you said in the e-mail I’m going to post a few awesome things ideas here:
    * the thrill youu get when a big warm fluffy towel is being wrapped around your shivering body after you get out of a shower or a pool late at night
    * the feeling inside your mouth after you have chewed a piece of mint gum, then drank a glass of cold water
    * the tingles on your skin after you’ve soaked in a boiling hottub, then get out rolled around in the snow, then jumped back in
    * the feeling deep in the pit of your stomach making youu feel lighter than air after you have dropped from the highest point in a rollercoaster
    * the fizzy bubbles in youur nose after youu drink pop and then burp
    and theres soo much more I could go on forever! Thanks, sincerly Sophie (:

  10. I don’t usually comment on articles and alike. I heard about your success from a simple idea. Keep going, you’ll give inspiration to many.

  11. the first sound from an old piece of equipment brought back to life after everyone else gave up on it. A motor or a car etc. – or for me – an old radio – my best experience was when I fixed ANNE MURRAY’s old beach radio – when I turned it on – a week or so before xmas – the first sound of it was ANNE MURRAY singing a christmas song. – AWESOME

  12. When your arms are full of stuff and with one free pinky finger you find the exact key that you need, when you need it.

  13. How about, pretending to use ‘The Force’, very casually and subtly when approaching an automatic door (preferably sliding),

  14. Crying at the happy ending of the movie.

    Watching a movie at home and laughing so hard that you have to pause and rewind.

    Getting the car stuck in the snow and getting it unstuck all by yourself, without having to get out of the car.

    1. I’m not a fan of old man smell. But old women smell like floral perfume that only an old woman could pull off. I agree. Rock on little old ladies.

  15. finally going pee at the movie theatre after you’ve held it the ENTIRE movie. what an accomplishment :)

  16. When you order something at a restaurant and after you get it somebody else says they will pay for it.

  17. -hearing the doorbell ring when you’re waiting for food to be delivered

    – back to school shopping at staples

    – first boat ride of the summer

    – putting on a new pair of socks

    – being flirted with

    – arriving at a bus stop right as the bus is pulling up

    – no line at customs

    – puppies’ ears

    – having your luggage come off the plane first

    – giving a stranger directions

    – finding high heels that don’t make your feet hurt

    – good hair days

    – making a really good joke

    – discovering your free bread at a restaurant is warm

  18. an empty seat on the subway during rushhour

    laughing til you cry

    an overtime win

    crossing the finish line

    the first patio day of summer

    a nickering horse

    paying it forward

    lacing up your running shoes

  19. Emptying sand out of your running shoes and putting them back on your feet.

    Getting the milk jug when it’s just been refilled.

  20. – Catching someone checking you out.

    – Turning dog ears inside out, and having them look at you like “Dude!”

    – When you ask your dog something and their heads turn.

    – When your Dogs bark at the TV.

    – Hugs.

    – When the phone didn’t even ring, but you picked up at just the right moment.

    – Getting just what you wanted for birthday/X-mas etc, and not telling anybody what you wanted, they just knew.

    – When your wishes from blowing out candles, comes true.

    – First kisses.

    – That feeling of having butterflies in your tummy when you have feelings for someone.

    – Walking out the door at the end of the workday on a Friday.

    – Winning anything on Roll Up The Rim.

    – When you get a set of keys cut, and they work perfectly, no jiggling required.

    – The fluttery breathing after a good cry.

    – Building something without the instructions.

    – When you missed a sale, but the next week you find out its on sale again but even cheaper.

    – That feeling you get after you have Vented to someone.

  21. 1) realizing your favorite pair of jeans fit again

    2) finally twisting the top off of the jar (especially when you are a girl and several boys weren’t able to)

  22. I know this is an award winning site and I think it’s great, but I have noticed some navigation issues. I can only see #765 to #1000. Where are #1 to #764? Do they not exist yet? Are you adding them 1 at a time counting backwards? If so I think the explanation could a little clearer. Thanks

    1. I would say it’s pretty simply explained in the “About” section.

      “1000 Awesome Things is just a time-ticking countdown of 1000 awesome things. Launched a few months ago and updated every weekday.”

      See? Explained in two AWESOME sentences.

  23. Having an itch right after you start a song on Guitar Hero, then being able to scratch it once the song ends.

    Finding money in the dryer.

    Good hair days.

    Songs that give you goosebumps.

    Someone telling you that you look beautiful when you made no attempt to look good that day.

    The perfect s’more. Where the marshmallow fits between the cracker without oozing out, and the chocolate is melted and amazing.

    Intelligent conversation with someone you least expect.

    People that pay with exact change at the register. (I work at a fast food restaurant.)

  24. When you hold out on getting gas and just when you have to give in and get some, the price drops!!! Awsome!

    1. I always love that. Cause I feel like a genius for figuring it out before them.
      It always used to make me giggle.

  25. Forgetting to set your alarm but waking up at the right time by accident…..

    Finding money in your pocket you thought you’d spent after a night out…..

    Laughing till your face hurts….

    Funny flashbacks from drunken nights out….

  26. Feeling your ears pop when you come down from a higher elevation.

    Realizing your free-loading, ride-bumming brother filled up the gas tank without you knowing.

    Finding the perfect pair of jeans.

    Condensation on a glass holding an ice cold beverage.

    Saying “ah, screw it” and refusing to shave.

  27. Waking up on christmas morning to hearing your family talking, and smelling the gingerbread cookies(:

    Smelling the crisp winter air, for the first time.

    Hearing bells late at night on christmas eve.

    The first day of summer break.

    Getting out of the shower and not being cold.

    love them all.

  28. While sitting at your desk throwing a piece of waste perfectly in the bin on the other side of the room

  29. Waking up after a GREAT night sleep, on a clear day, the sun is right outside your window, the birds are chirping… and it’s a weekend.

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