The Top 1000

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4,250 thoughts to “The Top 1000”

  1. When someone tells you something you didnt know before and the next person you talk to brings up the topic, subject, band, ect….. and you can talk about it. like it was meant to to be told to you.

  2. 1. Local tv commercials. They’re annoying but you love them anyway because they are so easy to make fun of.
    2. Clean, fresh, and fluffy bath towels
    3. Sitting on the toilet realizing there’s no more toilet paper on the roll, but finding a convenient stash under the sink or next to the toilet.
    4. Standing at the checkout/eating out and trying to estimate the bill total–then being just cents off. Yeah, that makes me happy :) Also, watching the Price is Right and totally knowing the prices to all the items (and you can’t understand why the contestant is standing on the stage instead of you)
    5. Thanksgiving Day as the day of justification to start listening to Christmas music.
    6.Stopping next to another car at a stop light, then glancing over and catching the eye of the driver next to you. You both look away, then start laughing–maybe you peek another look to see if they are laughing too!
    7.Laughing hard because someone else is laughing really hard–their laughing is contagious!
    8.Satisfying that food craving you’ve had for days.
    9.Waking up in the morning with no obligations, nothing that you have to get done that day, just relaxing…

  3. Thanks for these entries. I am going to put them on my blog too and send this as a present to all my myspace friends and youtube contacts

    thanks guys

  4. Walking on grass bare feet after ages.

    Coming out of the exam hall after finishing the last in a long series of tests.

    Sneaking a long glance at someone you have a huge crush on :D

    Looking at your clean room after clearing up all the mess after a long time.

  5. Getting a line block in Tetris just when you need it most.

    Watching fireworks.

    Christmas presents.

    Drawing a picture and the person you show it to knows what it looks like.

  6. When you’re wrapping presents and the design on the paper meets up perfectly at the taped seam!

    Watching your children open presents (even when they’re 23,21,and 16) it’s still magical!

  7. #604?????warmed blankets that the nurse brings you in the hospital after surgury(especially after child birth)

    0r #603??? watching a movie about a really hot guy or girl…and then dreaming about them all night….oh ya….:-)

  8. You and a friend laughing uncontrollably hard, so hard that you can’t breathe and your stomach hurts.. And then when you both stop for a brief second, one of you starts laughing again and the laughing episode starts all over again.

  9. Getting the to be the first one to shuffle a new deck of cards.

    Telling someone on New Year’s Eve that you’ll see them next year.

  10. When your gait naturally alternates between the light and dark tiles in a grocery store.

    When you crack open a new book.

    (and, similarly)

    The smell of a really old book.


    Clunky, unweildy rollerskates.

    Perfectly-baked, warm Pizza Rolls.

    Drawing things on glass condensation.


    The feeling of two snug Lego pieces snapping together.

    The crunch of a hard-shell taco.

  11. Using a fresh razor.

    Whacking a piñata with all of your might.

    Perfectly opening a banana without squishing any of its contents.

    Making massive quantities of macaroni-and-cheese.

    The sound that a really well-made umbrella makes when it opens.

    Riding a broomstick, mop, or otherwise non-equine implement as a horse.

    When you whip someone with a towel and it makes the satisfying Indiana Jones whip noise.

  12. my most awesome things are:

    going to bed after exercising, when you are totally gobsmacked. It feels like you’re floating in your bed…

    climbing a really high tree and watching other people or the environment from above

    the moment when you play a prank on someone, and you know your victim has taken the bait

    nailing a performance, especially that guitar solo you’ve been practicing for ages

  13. Summer evenings when the air outside is perfectly warm and made so driving around in the car is like floating through a dream.

  14. Watching our young pug chase the neighbor’s cat out of the back yard. She’ll never catch it. But it is fun watching her get so worked up and the cat runs so fast to get away from a dog 1/2 its size that wouldn’t do anything to it if it did catch it. I can watch this scenario over and over every afternoon as our pug plays sentinel in the back window of our house guarding the yard from “invasive cats” ever wathing lest they enter her territory. I think the cat gets a kick out of it too because he always comes back.

  15. 1.) Discovering an awesome song.
    2.) Calling a family member and wishing them a good day.
    3.) Waking up
    4.) Saying a really good prayer
    5.) Sunshine on my skin.
    6.) Being simple.

  16. Hearing someone speak a foreign language that you speak and getting that special little feeling of kinship.

    Knowing all of the words to your favorite musical/opera.

    Watching your favorite movies from when you were a kid.

    Rereading one of your favorite books, but not remembering how it ends, only that it is AWESOME!

  17. In reference to #922.
    This idea used to be fun, until one day I blew my horn for a safety reason and was ignored. Later, I found out that they thought I was blowing it to entertain their kids, not trying to save their lives. A truckers horn is not a toy. From that day to this, I never blew the horn for fun again.—B

  18. waking up, looking at the clock and realizing you have hours and hours left to sleep….roll over and reposition and ahhhh……

  19. I love people watching & I think it is awesome when you see an older couple that is still in love.

    Last night while waiting outside a restaurant, I saw a couple that had to be in their 80’s being dropped off by their son. The son got out of the car, went to the passenger side, & opened the back door for his parents. He told them he would be back after they finished their dinner date. The husband held the restaurant door for his wife & checked her out as she walked by.

    I hope my husband still looks at me that way when we get older. I also hope to have children as sweet as their son seemed to be.

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