The Top 1000

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4,250 thoughts to “The Top 1000”

  1. Getting the title after your last car payment.

    Watching husbands pull out chairs and open car doors for their wives.

    Riding a bike for the first time in 15 years without falling.

    Gospel music

  2. Showering after a long, dirty camping trip. Watch all that glorious dirt swirl down the drain! So fresh and so clean, clean

  3. wake up and realize that you are officially done with high school the day after your commencement ceremony

  4. Once I was in the playground (im a kid) and I saw a double rainbow! One was clear and one was vague but everyone in the playground stopped and stared while I had the whole place to myself!

    Oh what nature can do!

  5. I had a dream a couple days ago that I went to a book signing and saw Neil working on some ideas for this blog and one was…..the perfect muffin.

  6. Being the first one in line.
    Elementary school…yep…your the ‘line leader.’
    Amusement park…first one on the ride
    I like being the first one in a line of cars in traffic. I set the pace, there’s no one in front of me to slam on their brakes……its awesome!

  7. or . . . waking up the day after the last day of school to the alarm – and falling back into bed with a sigh; of course, i’m a teacher.

  8. having a shitty time lately with everything going wrong, then going to bed and having an amazing dream that encourages you like nothing else – and remembering it for days after.

  9. driving through a storm front and watching lightning bolts hitting the ground 15o meters away all around, as you drive.

  10. Driving Home after a long, stressful day of work and realizing that song on the radio is your favorite song ever!

  11. Summer days when a dip in the pool counts as a shower.

    Seeing someone use the gift you gave them.


  12. hugs from behind ^^
    geting kissed on the cheek : P
    lying in bed with ur bf/gf just staring at eatch other thinking how lucky you are.
    relly good combacks
    blowing bubbels and they dont pop for like 2 minutes ^^
    wearing just you underwear when ur home alone.

    jumping in the sea and then rolling in the sand so it sticks to you and then jumping back in the sea
    catching popcorn in our mouth after a million tryes

  13. when you had a really awful day at and you go to sleep and realizing all you need is love :-)

  14. Getting that stain out. My daugher gets grass stains a lot, hubby gets oil stains, I get food stains from where I cook a lot. Everytime I see a stain I think that it’ll never come out…but after taking it out of the washer and seeing that its gone is awesome.

    Hubby did laundry a couple weeks ago and he had left a pen in his jeans pocket. It leaked all over most of his jeans and my daughers too. I couldn’t get the ink out, but we took the clothes to his mother and she got it all out by spraying hair spray on the ink stains and letting it sit. Awesome!

  15. Being Canadian is awesome – where else in the world is there such a diversity of cultures, landscapes, weather…..and the list goes on. We are politely proud folks who showed the world just how awesome our country and we are when we hosted the world during the 2010 Winter Olympics! And as the Molson Canadian ad says “we have more square feet of awesomeness per person than any other nation in the world!” Hhhmmmmmm……am thinking that Canada is just, quite frankly, the Best Place on Earth…..when you have a back yard to play in like we have, how can it not be?!

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