The Top 1000

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4,250 thoughts to “The Top 1000”

  1. – Taking your socks off under the sheets
    – Blowing a dandelion
    – Peanut butter and marshmellow fluff sandwiches
    – Play Dough
    – Shag Carpets
    – The smell of old books
    – Yogurt
    – Ukuleles

  2. The unique crunch sound of fresh snow under your shoe.

    When you’re waiting for a bus at a busstop, and it pulls up and the door stops literally, directly in front of you. It makes you feel so special.

    Staying up all night and realizing although you aren’t energized, you aren’t sleepy or tired. It’s very surreal.

    Eating something very unhealthy like a french fry, and then eating something healthy like a grape or orange. It just feels so much more REAL.

    I know it’s been said already, but untouched peanut butter…is awesome.

    Going on a moonbounce and doing a backflip, something I could never do on solid ground. Also, no injuries

    pouring soda from a can or bottle into a cup, and seeing the bubbles fill up to the very top without spilling over.

    seeing cars on the road that look like they’re from the 1950’s

    jumping in puddles even though you are not a kid…especially huge, deep puddles that completely soak you’re shoes even though you didn’t want that to happen

    meeting people from TV in real life. They look so weird in three dimensions

  3. – seeing someplace you know on tv ex) your local grocery store, your local mall, the street you take to work
    – hearing a song your really really like on the radio
    – almost finishing a book. you hold the last two pages with excitement and anticipation till the very last word
    – when something looks good on you in a clothing store store and checkin yourself out in the mirror
    – when old people smile at you
    – getting ready for a night out on da town
    – looking at all your texts and call log after a saturday night
    – newly painted rooms
    – remembering your dreams mid day
    – thinking of someone or something then seeing them or it not to soon after
    – knowing every single word and beat to a song
    – stumble-upon!

  4. Finishing a crossword puzzle without cheating.

    Taking off your ski boots after a day of skiing and then walking around in your sneakers. You feel so nimble- like you’re bouncing on air!

  5. Cold pizza for breakfast.

    The smell of freshly cut grass on a hot summer day.

    Falling asleep anywhere in the sun.

    Walking around barefoot all day while camping or at the beach, then finally washing your feet and putting on socks and shoes.

    A cold beer in a dark bar on a hot day.

    The smell of Grandma’s house.

  6. The wonderful feeling of hopefulness and that drowsy, sleepy feeling after you get done crying.

    Finding that chip in the bag that’s got the most seasonings.

    Smoking a cigarette after a tough day.

    Waking up from a nap and eating something sweet.

    Watching home movies of Christmas’ past.

    Eating the cookie that fell apart in the milk.

    The smell of new shoes.

  7. Hey. Love the blog! Stayed up into the wee hours of the morning reading. Anyways, I have some suggestions (sorry if they’ve already been posted by other users).

    1) Sleeping Naked. I don’t know what it is but it just feels so liberating.

    2) That feeling you get after a good bowel movement. It feels great to have your system flushed out!

    3)The mist function of the shower head. Common, who doesn’t love a good misting!

    4) Waking up where you didn’t fall asleep. This is pretty self explanatory, I feel.

    5) Getting the last of something (last beer from the cooler, last box of cereal from the shelf, etc…)

    6) Movie Marathons. There’s something fantastic about watching every installment of a film series in one day (Star Wars, Lord of the Rings).

    7) Cracking every knuckle on your hand at once. Whether you use the push-down method or the bend back technique, there’s nothing quite as awesome as this feeling.

    8) YouTube comments. Sure, they’re often just lame insults directed at nobody for no good reason, but they are able to evoke reactions in everybody, which makes them awesome to me.

    9) Being in a crowded room and having your phone go off. Theres just something awesome about saying “It’s me” as the rest of the room checks their phones at the same time.

    10) Dollar Store Pickled Products. Who buys them? I don’t know. But just the fact that they are what they are makes them awesome.

    11) Really Loud Thunder Storms. Something about the way the lightening strikes or how the Thunder shakes you is just awesome.

    12) Jack in the Box Tacos. They’re greasy, mushy and totally delicious, and the fact that they’re 2 for a dollar is why they’re awesome.

    13) Communicating with someone who speaks another language. We’ve all been there, and it’s a great feeling when, after all those crazy hand motions and facial expressions, that chinese woman at the train station realizes what you’ve been trying to say!

    14) Sleeping in. It feels good.

    15) Top Ramen. This stuff’s just plain epic, no doubt.

    16) Really, really really really realllly bad movies! The only kind of movie thats better than a really good movie is the kind that sucks so badly that you and your friends make fun of it for hours.

    17) Old Gum. Some flavors of gum age like wine.

    18) Pens that work. It’s a gamble when you reach into the cup of old pens to find one to write with, but it feels good when the first one you pull out writes like it did when you first bought it.

    19)Loose Change Jars. Look at ’em, sitting on your dresser, just full of opportunity.

    20) The handicap stall at the bathroom. Also known as the Cadillac of public toilets.

  8. The feeling you get after completing your last final of finals week.



    No-Sew Fleece Blankets

    Doing something you’re too old to do on a regular basis (ex. sledding, playing in a ball pit, doing cannon balls in a crowded pool)

  9. Getting sent home sick…

    You normally don’t get this after grade school.

    There are times when you feel terrible and you know you shouldn’t really go to work. You can shake the feeling that today is the day that you get fired for calling in sick. You trudge to work and flop at your desk. And weep a little inside. but sometimes your boss says “You know what, you look like arse. Maybe you should call it a day and get some rest.”

    Free day off! Yes!

    Bonus Awesomeness if you don’t really feel ALL that bad but you have some sniffles and maybe a hoarse sounding cough that doesn’t really hurt.

  10. flipping the switch after spending hours hanging up christmas lights

    paying for the food of the guy behind you at a fast food joint

  11. Losing The Game and making everyone around you lose. If you don’t know what The Game is, allow me to explain it. The object of The Game is to forget you’re playing. If you think about The Game, you lose and you have to announce “I just lost The Game.” By writing this post, I lost The Game. Also, by reading it, you have all lost The Game.

  12. – spending an entire day watching reality tv marathons

    – having a dream that you can fly (not awesome: waking up)

    – coloring

    – getting the Helen Keller card in Apples to Apples

    1. Also awesome: getting out of the shower, running wet and naked to the dryer, and wrapping yourself in the warm goodness of a freshly laundered towel.

  13. When your house is clean

    The first day of vacation from work

    How it feels when you tear through wrapping paper

    The smell of a blown out candle…it always reminds me of birthdays.

    Cleaning the hair out of your brush

  14. Coming home from work and reading something interesting while having a good poop! It just feels like you are leaving your work behind you and getting ready to start something new.

  15. Jen (above) is right. I was about to suggest the same thing. Pretty much it’s the jacket you haven’t put on since the last time it was in season. Money in the pockets, a card for bus/train travel that still has credits, the ticket from the show you went to the last time you were wearing said jacket; all of these are huge.

  16. The moment you wake up and realise its a Saturday and you don’t have to get up.

    Finding the thing you’ve been searching for for half an hour- whatever it is.


    Waking up and thinking you’ve slept all night, only to find you’ve only been asleep for an hour and have all night left. Its like a free nights sleep.

    Remembering you have something delicious and quick in your fridge.

    Turning over the TV to find something cool is about to start.

    how great your foot feels after pins and needles have gone.

  17. first drink of water after waking up from a night of drinking. When your mouth is really really dry and pasty.

    Seeing old friends you haven’t seen in a while. Makes you feel all warm inside.

    knowing that you don’t have to do anything today. Being lazy is awesome.

    Leaving the gym and feeling very accomplished, knowing you’ve done something other people haven’t to improve yourself is great.

    hooking up with randoms

    watching classic movies (shawshank, gladiator, starwars, godfather, fight club, forest gump, indiana jones)

  18. Singing “Sweet Caroline” at the top of your lungs at Fenway Park on a warm sunny day with 35,000 rowdy, happy fans. Or, for that matter, a bunch of cold, dedicated fans in the middle of October.

  19. – Awkwardly trying to avoid eye contact with someone walking towards you on the sidewalk, then at the last second they flash you a big smile

    – Having a truly awesome conversation with a complete stranger

    -Bubble wrap

    – Getting compliments when you feel terrible

    – Opening your bedroom window on the first warm day after a long winter

    – Inspiration

    – Seeing people you love cheering you on

    – Hearing or writing the perfect lyric

    – Going to camp for the first time as a kid

    – Walking into an empty hotel room

    – Pulling an all-nighter just to watch the sun rise

  20. Finding a blog this that you can relate to and look forward to each post to have a laugh at your likeness ….

    Thanks dude !! LOVE YOUR WORK ..

  21. The feeling of waking up, realizing its saturday, then realizing you have absolutely NO commitments this weekend and that you get to relax ALL DAY.

  22. Peeling wax off your finger after you’ve dipped it in a candle wax.

    Feeling warm air on your face once you come in from the cold, it can feel like your face is melting.

    Reading on your bed before you go to sleep and then finding that the sheets are all warmed up for you because you were just on top.

    When it’s cold out, having a warm drink that makes your hands warm.

    Glass mugs.

    Being able to hold someone’s hand.


    Crunchy leaves.

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