The Top 1000

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4,250 thoughts to “The Top 1000”

  1. Ok, so I guess this applies more towards Christmas, but it just popped into my head this morning after reading the post about putting trash in other trash…
    Putting gifts in boxes other than the original box to ‘trick’ the unwrapper. I see that doesn’t really explain it…
    Growing up I always remember getting a lot of gifts that were wrapped in oatmeal boxes or something like that.

    1. Yeah, Bekah, my family did that too! But the best was the year when my older brother, who worked at a grocery store during high school, got a huge box – the box that other boxes of cornflakes come in – and filled it with crumpled up newspaper. But interspersed in there were both real and joke gifts for everyone in the family. At the time, us other kids would have been around 7-12 yrs old, so it was AWESOME seeing that huge box, and then getting to dig through it for stuff.

  2. la la la la la la la la laaaa!Singing is pretty aswesome.or maybeeee oh i’ve got a good one!That moment when you’re so happy when your baby sibling is being born!that’s awesome.OOOOH I GOTTA BETTER ONE!!Vipers.Yeah,both the car and the snake!Spring,bike helmets,drawings,chocolate cake,ribs,bouncy balls,birds,board games,20q,sneezes,babie’s first words,computers,you,your website and your books.

  3. THE CALL….
    when you get a call from the DSBN saying ” school ‘s canceled!!”
    thats great ! thats amazing ! THATS AWESOME!

  4. Stretching plastic wrap so tightly over leftovers that you can’t tell there’s actually plastic wrap there…and the sound it makes when you touch it, like some sort of drum!

  5. The perfect upbeat song coming on while youre running and it pushes you to run just a little faster to keep up with the beat

  6. When your daughter calls you from Poland to say she’s getting married, as you are getting out of the parking lot for your move 7 hours away.

    1. My favorite silent laugh is my son’s. He hasn’t developed the noise laugh yet, so every time he laughs its a few quick breaths with a big giant smile, followed by a little sigh. I love it!!

  7. when it stops raining just as you step outside
    when your hair grows quickly
    when you wake up and its your birthday

  8. Touching other peoples’ awesome hair
    Private jokes between friends
    Making a comment that leaves people speechless
    Getting to the end of a book, and finding that extra sample chapter of the next book in the series
    Figuring out who the killer is halfway through a crime show

  9. Predicting the weather better than the weather guy on tv
    They say its going to rain in your area….. you say its not….and it doesn’t.
    They say its going to be super hot, you say its going to be just right…and you are right again.

  10. Aeroplane food that comes in little packages, or those minature cans of soft drink / soda that you get on the plane

  11. When you’ve been working all day and suddenly realize that it’s time to go and clock out.

    Hanging out with old friends that you haven’t seen in a while.

    Getting a breeze when it’s really hot out.

  12. 1. Used bookstores.

    2. The first cup of coffee out of the pot.

    3. Animals that like your piano playing.

    4. Friends that say “She NEVER does this” when her dog is going spastic with excitement when you visit.

  13. Accomplishing something before the microwave hits 00:00.

    The relief that replaces panic after “edit, undo” actually works.

    Redoing high fives when they weren’t good enough the first time.

    When you do something really stupid and no one sees.

    Deleting useless characters in a text so it’s under 160 characters.

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