The Top 1000

(Want more? Click here for The Next 1000 started in 2019 and going until…)

4,250 thoughts to “The Top 1000”

    1. Opposite of that would be… finding out there would be no photos or confirmations released. Not AWESOME!

      Then again yet another conspiracy for us to google over. AWESOME!

  1. ya know whats awesome…that little bit of chocolate in the tip of a pointed ice cream drum-stick cone you buy at the store…

  2. Hearing that someone you know is ok after you hear about a wreck on their road, a natural disaster near where they live, or anything else.

  3. The feeling you get when you crawl in bed after a long day and/or when you crawl in bed and your sheets are fresh off the clothes line. :)

  4. I just wanted to say hey, and ask if you may have minded that I accidentally used some of these, without realising, before finding your site, in my blog (which I started back on the 17th) because I was writing a list of 100 little things to appreciate, and some of them tend to overlap. >.< I just don't want to be called out on any kind of copyright thing, because I started reading your list, and was like OH SHIT, THAT'S IN MY BLOG, THAT ONE IS IN MY BLOG TOO, OH NO….because some of them are kind of…similar. I didn't post my blog until ummm I don't remember what date, but if you Click here you can read it. I didn’t post it until after I found this site, but I made most of the list before I found this site, so I’m not sure how all this falls into place….but I’m thinkin Oh man….If you want me to add an attribution to your blog in there, I will, (even though I didn’t use your stuff, a lot of the stuff is the same/similar), just let me know whether you want an attribution or not. If you leave a comment or email me at the email I provided I’ll get it on there as soon as I receive the email. PS your list is a lot better than mine, and I may end up using some of your list for future posts (and attributing them to you, because then I actually will be referring to your list), if that’s ok with you. By the way, I love your list, and I wish I could come up with a thousand things!! That would take me…forever.

  5. Watching people learn how to hula-hoop. Such a hilarious and unnatural process. Always makes me giggle :)

  6. Stacking random things out of your pencil case or desk on top of each other trying make them balanace. Most of these structures start with a plastic water bottle, then u put an erasor on top of that pencils across creating “arms” then u take some risks. Maybe a bottle of White out, or stapler or even a stapler then a white out on top of that. Then one day you get everything just right and the tower is higher then it has ever been. Sit back and marvel at your structure. AWESOME!

  7. when you get a surprise hug from someone special, thinking what the heck while they were holding you and then realizing you needed it all along when they let you go<3:P i like hugs!

  8. 1. When a child looks at you with admiration
    2. The feeling of groass on your feet after a long winter
    3. Finding a book you think might be ok, but turns out it’s AWESOME!
    4. A long hug between old friends after awhile apart
    5. Discovering a new website that you become obsessed with
    6. Discovering that you and a stranger/co-worker have a lot in common

  9. When nobody touches your opened bag of doritos.

    Lightning bugs.

    Dogs that know alot of tricks

    The look on a dogs face when he licks jalapeno cheeto cheese off your fingers.

    Google autofill on difficult words. (can sometimes backfire on you though)

    Dads that wear baby bjorns.

    Little kids that hold there parents pinky finger.

    Kids karate lessons.

    When someone passes you doing 95 on the freeway and 5 miles down the road you see them getting a ticket.

    Watching people struggle not to fall asleep/faint.

    Watching people faint. (after you know they are ok)

    When you get that perfect: “thats what she said” moment and laugh quietly to yourself when nobody else does.

    The 25 minutes you spend looking at yourself in the mirror after you get out of the gym because your muscles look bigger.

    Babies laughing at dogs.

    A check for $25 in a homemade card from grandma and gramdpa.

    The one guy who is “too” drunk at company picnics.

    Me wasting company time by thinking of awesome things instead of working.

  10. When it’s a really hot day and you put your cheek against a cold wall.

  11. When someone tries to act dead, with their tongue sticking out, and their tongue moves!

  12. When you go to someone’s house for a sleepover and they have a mattress for you to sleep on!

  13. When a little kid asks you a really hard question and you’re able to answer.
    The little kid would think you’re so smart!

  14. When it seems like it was meant for you.
    For example, if you go to the store and find something that’s perfect for you, it seems like it was meant for, like it was made for you!

  15. Scracthing a mosquito bite even though you know you shouldn’t. Feels so good. It’s not a regular itch it’s a whole new world

  16. the smell of freshly laundred clothes on your body
    the look on your pet’s face when you get home
    the smell of rain as it falls
    the smell of warm cookies or a baked products on a cold night

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