The Top 1000

(Want more? Click here for The Next 1000 started in 2019 and going until…)

4,250 thoughts to “The Top 1000”

  1. Sun setting on the Pacific Ocean and every child, dog, couple, stops for that eternal second as the sun touches the horizon and goes psssss

  2. Listening to a great song on the radio and your whole family is belting in out as well as yourself and then looking across at the car next to you and the people in there are singing the same thing!!

    Rare but truely AWESOME!!

  3. When the microwave has a setting/button for what you are about to put in there. My microwave only has a “popcorn” button and a “beverage” button, but the one here at work has EVERYTHING!! It even has a little chart on the inside of the door for cooking/heating/defrosting times.

  4. Realizing that the calendar that you’re about to order is a daily calendar instead of a monthly calendar!!!!!
    I totally thought it was a monthly one, but when I went to get the sneak peek… its a daily calendar! I’m even more excited now!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. there you are on the couch ordering take out because its too hot to cook, thinking “why did the air conditioner have to stop working
    Today?!” and you hear it the long comforting ssweesssshhhhh of the tree in the yard just before the long awaited breeze hits you.


  6. When you’re home alone and you can blast your favorite music as loud as you want! I do it all the time ;)

  7. When you find a note left for you.You wake up, stumble downstairs, and, oh, your mom left a note on the kitchen table or counter telling you where she went. Or maybe there’s a post-it stuck somewhere with the simple words I Love You. Or you come home after a long, terrible day at work and there’s a note with good news saying there’s delicious leftovers in the fridge or there was a phone call cancelling that long night you were dreading. Notes are awesome!

  8. when am in bed and the light is on and am feeling lazy to wake up and switch it off and someone comes in the room and when they leave i ask them to switch it off and they do without me leaving the comfort of my bed

    1. When I was still living at home, I would arrange my room so that I could reach the light switch from my bed.
      At my house now, we use a back scratcher to reach the light switch and turn it off when we are all comfy on the couch. Our arms just aren’t long enough, but that back scratcher has more than one use now!

  9. Finding your favourite T.V. show in the middle of the night and it turns out to be a marathon. Or during a one of days where your sick and you think nothings on.

  10. when the power finally comes back on after being out for a while

    friday afternoons – when the whole work week is behind you & the whole weekend is ahead of you

    random friendly dogs

    Expanding a humongous algebraic equation and having all the terms but a few cancel out

    watching little kids studying bugs & stuff

    finally getting around to exploring that side road you’ve wondered about for weeks/months/years

    brand-new ballpoint pens that write perfectly the first time you try them

    1. Rich in poetic flavour ……
      Inception ……
      Could you feel that ……that sense …… sense of ……
      梦 dream

  11. Watching my 3 yr old son in a toystore with BIG eyes because his birthday is coming up soon and he would like to get it ALL…

    Then realising I’m looking back in time and see myself.

  12. dipping your fingertips into the wax of a candle after it blows out and letting it dry is one of my favourites!

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