The Top 1000

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4,250 thoughts to “The Top 1000”

  1. Jamming and hittin that sweet groove.

    Driving through a deep puddle at a good clip.

    Music festivals

    Dippin Oreos in milk

  2. Finding something totally expensive at a thrift store for less than five dollars -or- finding something you’ve lusted after in the past but never purchased at a thrift store. (This doesn’t happen very often, but I got an Orla Kiely wallet for $3 at Savers once after playing coy on eBay for about a year. Trust me — it was AWESOME)

    Driving in a clean car after a full-service car wash (washed, vacuumed and dried).

    Closing my office door at work.

    Sleeping with the windows open in early autumn.

    Finding an unbelievable coupon code for something you’re ordering online (pizza, shoes, etc.)

    Cuddling in bed when you are cold and your bedmate is really warm.

    Sleeping puppy or kitten in your lap.

  3. Oh, wait. I have to second the waking up and almost getting ready for work but then realizing it is Saturday or Sunday. That feeling just makes me extra happy to be alive.

  4. The wall of DVDs of the latest release and they are all rented except for one. And you notice it, in front of all the other people standing there. And you grab it. And like kind of slowly hide it as you take it to the checkout. That’s kind of awesome.

  5. Scratching that annoying mosquito bite (or in my case bites)….

    a bubble bath at just the right temperature

    reading a really good or trashy novel after a hard day

    listening to an audiobook in bed….feels like having a bedtime story read to you

    re-contacting an old friend from school

    looking up at the beautiful night sky

    sunsets at Stump Pass Beach

    the first sip of a margarita

    going to sleep with your hands and feet slathered in lotion and covered in gloves and socks….love the soft skin feeling in the morning

    Getting the freebies you signed up for online in the mail

    Surprising other people with little presents

    watching other people open presents

  6. Old running shoes.

    The scuffy, white, beat-up kind that have walked a million steps, seen different towns, countries, landscapes, activities, splashed through puddles, and kicked off after the day ends.

    Those are probably the most beautiful articles of clothing anyone will ever have.

  7. Finding money.
    Having your laundry done for you.
    Having your gas tank filled.
    Getting a letter in the mail.
    Finally getting that plane ticket.
    Hearing that awesome song on the radio.

  8. realizing you’re dreaming

    jellyfish (they have no brains)

    putting on jeans right after you wash them, they are all tight


    laying down in the rain

    rain when it’s warm outside

    new underwear

    finding something that’s been lost for a really long time

    making rock candy

  9. When you wake up on a saturday (or a day you have off from school or work) thinking you have to wake up early and get ready, but realizing it’s not a week/work day and you get to go back to sleep!

    such a great feeling:)

  10. waking up before your obnoxious alarm has the chance…

    the sound of rain on the rooftop at bedtime

    taking the perfect picture after tons of shots

    making it safely on the ski lift

    genuine surprise on Christmas Day

    making it out of the bathroom at work before someone realizes it was you that made it smell that way!!

  11. The dudes will agree with this one, if you’re normal. Being on a date early in a relationship, clearly in the non-farting-in-front-of-your-date stage, and finally releasing that fart after the date is over. The fart that has been twisting your stomach for the last 2 hours. AHHHHHHHH. And the reason I say the dudes will agree is because we all know girls don’t fart.

  12. wearing clothes straight out of the dryer

    really old re-runs from your childhood

    being the first to realize how a mystery movie is going to end

    running through a park with an amazingly big playful dog

    all totally awesome

  13. when the most naive person in your group brings their wild side out…or lets you know he is not as shy as you thought

    riding in a friends new car, never been in a motel, and looking for one, and the shyest person in the group corrected our directions :|

  14. making that person at work that was born two drinks short…drink… and actually digging their personality

    doing something a long time ago that was sincere, and receiving praise for it long after you forgot about it

    being asked to be a bridesmaid when you didn’t think you were that close

    seeing your parents flirt and being secretly proud, but try to hide it by making ewww noises

    finding out other people you know root for a politician that you thought no one else cared/knew about

    getting one nice sweet person on the comcast/at&t 1800 line that actually takes time, speaks english, and follows through so that your happy

    receiving endless coupons with your .com purchases from bloomingdales/neimens that makes it cheaper to buy quality online

    having other people plan weekend vacations and you just show up with cash to chip-in

    when someone sleeps in your bed and makes your bed for you with a special note or something on top

    when your at a nice restaurant with someone who actually knows more about wine than you do

    doodles from friends that are bad funny but specifically for you

    when your limbs feel like jello (the prephase before the pain hits) after a really tough workout

    the day you get your braces off!

    1. Loved all your suggestions! As I was reading through them I was thinking, “Wow so true!” for all of them :)

  15. That first shave with a brand new razor fresh out of the pack. No more invisible stubblies or that one tiny line on the back of your leg.


  16. few things are as satisfying as getting a “replay” when playing a classic pinball machine. that loud smack/pop the machine makes when you get it…let’s everyone in the whole bar/arcade/pool hall know exactly what just went down.

  17. waking up a sleepy limb….oh the tingles!

    that first morning stretch after a really good night sleep *mmmmmmmmmm*

    managing to be in the right lane that never has the slow driver ahead or red lights…you cruise right on through while the cars behind manage to hit upon every light and grandpa in a baseball cap :-P

    shaving any body part and feeling the air on smooth clean skin…

    the first breath of cool air after a steamy hot shower…suffocating in the bathroom as you towel off…then opening the bathroom door…ahhhhhh!!!

    this blog! and don’t you dare post 10 a day to finish it sooner…patience is awesome :-)

  18. *Thunderstorms
    *Cracking your stiff knuckles, neck, back, etc.
    *The perfectly poured beer!
    *Plucking eyebrows (after a few days of neglect)
    *Rainy Sunday afternoons spent in PJ’s napping!
    *Scratching an itch
    *New school supplies! (Back to school shopping)
    *Popping a zit (gross, but don’t lie to yourself)
    *Skinny dipping!!
    *Having your ears finally unplug
    *Getting flowers

    Amazing blog. Seriously.

  19. – Learning something new that: a) changes how you see the world, b) randomly shows up in a trivia game and you’re the only one who knows the answer, or c) is so weird you have to tell someone else about it.

    – When a song pops into your head a second before it comes on the radio

    – Reading something that is so unexpectedly funny you laugh out loud

    – Falling asleep on the couch when you don’t have anything better to do (or you can slack off without anyone noticing.)

    – When a storm knocks the power out for a while and you can read by rainstorm-daylight or emergency-candle light, in the eerie, non-buzy quiet.

  20. When you turn on the TV to watch a specific program, and the opening credits/intro has just begun.

    Being in love.

    Knowing all the words to a song you love, then if you see the band live and they play it, you feel so good.

    Finding out that somebody likes a band that you do, that you think no ones ever heard of.

    Having someone stick up for you, or someone help you out if you get in a fight/argument.

    Winking at someone, and them completely understanding what to do.

    Helping a comeplete stranger out, then them giving you heartfealt thanks, or vice versa.

    –awsome list, been keeping my eye on it for a while now =)

  21. RE: Winking at someone, and them completely understanding what to do. – Josh

    Absolutely! That is totally awesome!

  22. i haven’t read all of the comments, but some of my favorite things are

    1. free things. even if they’re small. cotton balls in medicine bottles, mints at sonic, chips and salsa at mexican restaurants

    2. when you go to the store and everything you need is somehow on sale

    3. when february has 28 days, and starts on a sunday. the calendar looks neat and square-ish.

  23. My favorite things are:

    1. When you run into people you haven’t seen in ages, and you look good.
    2. Eating the juciest piece of watermelon.
    3. The happiness I feel when I finally understand something.
    4. When you order something to eat, like fries and you have to wait for them to prepare a FRESH batch of them.
    5. The way the sun feels on my face.
    6. Seeing people smile after you made their day :)
    7. Finding a pair of pants that fit you the right way, and you feel so confident in them.
    8. Going to the mailbox
    9. LATE night trips to Wally World…just to walk around.

  24. Oh, another awsome thing is when you flip a pancake, and you get it juust right
    Heh, i’ll keep adding things as i think of them =)

  25. I have to agree with chance 1st one back scratch savannahbanana love popping bubble wrap, and It’s awesome when you accomplish something and you feel woow’d about it. Shopaholics finding great deals and bargains is awesome, going out with the old people the grannys and granppys I have to tell you I had the best time with them on News Years Eve 200 of them :)

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