The Top 1000

(Want more? Click here for The Next 1000 started in 2019 and going until…)

4,250 thoughts to “The Top 1000”

  1. watching TV and seeing all the episodes they put on your favorite shows and after searching you finally find a brand new episode.

  2. When you’re having an incredibly bad day. Wearing no make up , the jeans that make your but look saggy, and the top with the giant mustard stain, and having a complete stranger tell you how beautiful you are

  3. watching a movie or TV show and watching a person make a mistake and thinking how you would’ve handled it better.

  4. -when they write another book in a really good series you thought was over

    -koala crossing signs (well i guess it’s not that funny if you’re australian)

    -finding money/cool stuff you forgot about when you clean your room

    -the day your hair decides not to be an idiot and listen to you

    -when people realize you’re correct

    -talking into a fan

    -watching a t.v. show you watched as a little kid and finally understanding all the references they make. (if you know what i mean)

    -doing something awesome in class when the teacher’s not looking; standing on your desk, hurling projectiles at the unsuspecting, etc.


  5. Having to get up early for work in the dark and seeing the full moon set as you get a perfect sunrise. That secret thought you are the only one to see it and tough luck to all those who are fast asleep in warm beds

  6. on a really hot day when you go to a pool and the first thing you do (before you go in and you’re still dry) jump off the high dive and you feel the surge of water, bubbles, and coldness all around you


  7. when you are a kid (like me) and you tell your dad that your bored and then he smiles and gives that look and he says oh, i know what you can do (as in clean something up or do homework) and then you run away and say sorry, not bored anymore. :)

  8. 1. Waking up sick on a day wherer you have a huge test/presention that your not nearly ready for.
    2. Walking in the street thinking about the person you like and you run into them and they finally talk to you.
    3. Doing a BIG project and getting the best grade there is.
    4. Getting a forced chance to brag about yourself when someone you hate
    is nearby
    5. You getting everything the person you hate wants
    6. Making the perfect pasta
    7. Stressing over something and thinking about all the “Wha If’s” and relizing that everything was okay and there was no need to stress
    8. Going to your friends house while your on your diet. Because it would be simlply rude not to have more french fries or that thrid piece of chocolate pie.
    9. Going to school on the first day and not having to learn, do, or recite anything but your name and your favorite food.
    10. Going to the library and getting a new book and being the first one to read the new pagess. Not having to read a dirty torn book.
    11. Getting the book at the library the the person beside you wants. Getting to only so they can’t.
    12. Taking your boy/girl friend to meet the parnets, trying to show thwm what a good person they are and winning their approval.
    13. After learning that your boy/girl friend is using you , you find the perfect person to make them jealous.

  9. when you’re watching a show and it goes on a commercial and you can flip through the channels and maybe even watch a bit of something else and then flip back to your show right when the commercial break is ending.

  10. getting first to a line up then minutes later as your eating your food or something a giant comes and you think to yourself that your so lucky you got here at the right time!

  11. You drink a lot of water or tea. Then you have to sit in the car or walk on the street for several hours and you can feel your stomach swellingggggg. Finallyy, here comes the restroom. Oh that feeling is invincible :))

  12. Meeting a cousins friend on holiday but being too shy to talk to her. Get home, bite the bullet and ask for her email and getting a excited reply from her…

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