The Top 1000

(Want more? Click here for The Next 1000 started in 2019 and going until…)

4,250 thoughts to “The Top 1000”

  1. You are an awesome writer! I love your books. In my class we are trying to think up of awesome stuff also. And all of them are great!

    Mahnoor (Stay Awesome!)

  2. just heard about this website. thee whole thing is AWSOME. it definetly brings a smile to my face after long hard long day rembering how awsome life is :)

  3. When your in the car belting out a cheesy (but great) song on the radio then see the person in the car next to you singing the same song! VERY rare but totally… AWESOME!

  4. A couple more AWESOME things…
    1. Returning your library books that you think are like AGES late but are on time and you don’t have to pay them next time you borrow
    2. Getting lots of emails (you will enjoy this if you are a loner like me)
    3. Getting handwritten letters from friends that moved a long time ago
    4. Getting the first shower when you come back from a really long swim
    5. The look of your room after you’ve just painted it your favourite colour
    6. The satisfaction of having your room clean
    7. Having a bath after a week camping
    8. Finding money in your suitcase before you go on a holiday
    9. Eating perfectly made toast
    10. The feeling just before you go to sleep

    All these things are so… totally… AWESOME!!!!!!!!! :D XD XP

  5. I love this site! I try to live my life each day noticing the little things that others pass by! I love life! It’s amazing and beautiful and I wish I had a thousand moments to spend on everything!

    So my Awesome Things…
    – When listening to the radio and a great song that you’ve been thinking about comes on that you haven’t heard in a while and then another great song comes on right after!!!
    – Coming home after a long day and your Mommy has the best Greek salad ever waiting for you!
    – When you boss tells you to do a ton of things and you’re trying to keep up and then he just turns and tells you you’re doing a great job.
    – When someone goes out of their way to make somebody else happy, regardless of whether or not they know them.
    – Meeting someone for the first time and acting like you’ve both known each other forever
    – Finding wonderful, happy blogs!
    – Finding yourself smiling without even knowing it
    – Being motivated by something someone else has done that you find beautiful
    – Rediscovering a piece of clothing that you thought you had gotten rid of when you didn’t like it, but now find it super cool
    – Waking up
    – Going to sleep
    – Knowing that somewhere out there someone loves you
    – Knowing that you love someone out there somewhere
    – Remembering that tomorrow, next week, next month, next year will inevitably come and that way you can plan to make the best of it
    – Building sand castles and inviting strangers to come help
    – Teaching a little kid something that you remember someone teaching you
    – Complimenting someone
    – The reaction someone has when you remember their name after only meeting them once
    – Going out of your way to make someone feel special
    – Finding a prefect seashell
    – Cleaning out your closet
    – Doing yoga in the early morning on the beach and seeing dolphins at sunrise
    – Realizing you love someone
    – Catching the eye of someone in a crowd and feeling a lighting bolt in your heart
    – Taking a moment to write down things that make you happy
    – Finding money in your pocket RIGHT before doing laundry
    – No cavities!
    – Holding a kitty
    – Catching up with someone right were you stopped
    – Being excited about your future and happy with your past
    – Being proud of someone else’s accomplishment
    – When the first frost is delayed
    – The first day in Spring that you can wear sandals
    – Having thumbs
    – Excusing yourself and sitting at the top of the stairs or in another room, listening to a bunch of people you love love each other and appreciating that everyone is getting along
    – Knowing that you have power to make a difference, even in your own life
    – Writing down a bunch of things that make you happy when you’re sad which in turns makes you happy again :D

  6. That moment when you go somewere and you’re about to leave but you think left something then you relized that you didnt bring anything.

  7. This really is an superb article and I completely understand exactly where your coming from within the third section. Perfect read, I’ll regularly follow the other reads.

  8. Killing the last pig on Angry birds
    Spitting a watermelon seed right into a family or friend’s face
    Finding your awesome thing in “The Book of Awesome”

  9. Shuffling a new deck of cards
    stying up past your bedtime as a kid
    Finally scratching an itch that’s been itching for a while in that hard to reach spot on your back

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