The Top 1000

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4,250 thoughts to “The Top 1000”

  1. Anticipating being tickled.

    It’s like you’re a little kid again, maybe someone is coming at you with ‘The Claw’ or they have that ‘I’m-going-to-get-you’ grin, but you know they are about to tickle you and so you start to squirm a little, tensing in anticipation, feeling the laugh building before you are even being touched. And then when you are finally, actually tickled, it’s like the anticipation made it all that much better.

    Totally awesome.

  2. How about pulling out a pair of pants or a coat you haven’t worn in a while and finding money in the pockets? I found $30 the other day!

  3. Moving in the traffic lane that seems to be moving faster (esp when the others are stalled)

    Putting on the robe in a nice hotel.

  4. -The clean, tingly feeling of your short fingernails pressing against your skin after you’ve just cut them

    -Those cute, permanately twitching noses of rabbits

    -Knowing what comeback someone’s about to say on a sitcom, because they’ve used that same tired joke so many times before

    – Your elbow, and all of it’s wrinkles, wierd soft tissuey stuff, and bony knobs

    -Getting home and changing your underwear on a hot, sweaty day

    1. Um… you seem serious. And distraught. So I’ll help.

      One “Awesome Thing” is posted each weekday.
      You’ve just gotta be patient.

  5. when you’re at home alone with no plans and a friend invites you out for lunch, a movie, or a drink

  6. getting a mandarine, that has no pips in it

    that feeling when your hair is really, really clean

    being tall!

    knowing an awesome band, that no one else knows

    when someone does your homework for you

    really really soft grass

    quoting a movie/t.v show, and someone throws a quote back at you from the same scene

    when you try to make something happen with your mind, and then it does

    getting to read the paper before anyone else in the family has made it all crimpled and falling apart

    waking up before the alarm clock goes off, its just like a big screw you i can get up without you to the alarm clock

    walking to the bus stop just as the bus comes in view

  7. My friends and I go out for breakfast every Wednesday morning at the same time, and they always give us that corner booth that’s obscenely too big for the 3 of us. But we love it so incredibly much.
    So I vote that the big corner booth for small parties at a restaurant are awesome.

  8. The last two bites of a burrito you are eating. The folded tortilla with all the juices and cheesy goodness. Awesome!

  9. the way cocoa puffs feel when the outside of them is soft and the inside is nice and crispy and dry.

  10. LAte summer nights when everything is calm and cool and breezy.

    The sound of the city at night when there are only a few cars on the road and you can hear one go by on a distant road with a big… SWOOOSH!

  11. When it is 3 in the morning and you are driving around with your friends and all agree you are hungry and then a 24 hour steak and shake sign apears almost instantly in the distance.

  12. –> Being stressed about a class then finding out you have a substitute teacher

    –> The last bell of a school year

    –> Waiting until the very end to double-space and watching your masterpiece double in length

    –> Watching sporting events when you don’t care who wins

  13. –> Waking up early but not feeling tired
    –> Naps that are just the right length, not too long, not too short

  14. When you decide to walk instead of wait for the bus and you make it to your destination at the same time as those who waited for the costly, red-light riddled, public transit trip. Awesome.

  15. Popping candy

    Watching squirrels

    Getting to a bus stop just as the bus pulls in so you can walk on without breaking your step

    Duvet fortresses

    Peeling an orange so there is only one piece of skin

  16. Changing the channel when a commercial comes on to another channel where the commercials are just ending

  17. the feeling of freedom when an examiner says “stop writing please” at the end of your last exam of the year

    saying a one liner that makes everybody laugh

  18. when you brush your teeth in the morning after having that horrible taste in your mouth and they feel really clean and fresh

  19. when you have been talking to someone for ages on msn then you suddenly notice its 3:40 am and you are the only 2 poeple left online

  20. Toasting bread to perfection, not burned to a crisp or underdone.

    Finding the perfect sturdy branch to hold your heaviest Christmas ornament.

    When the clicking of your turn signal matches the beat of the song you’re listening to in the car.

    The way your favorite book feels in your hands.

    That feeling of contentment when you realize you’re exactly where you’re supposed to be.

  21. 1.When you see a cop trying to find someone to pull over , and just squeaking in the right lane just in front of another car so the cop is not directly behind you. Awesome.

    2.Sitting in the shade in 100 degree weather and a stranger offers you sunblock.

    3.Tasting the sweat on your face accidently.

    4.Waking up, starving and knowing you have no food in the kitchen and finding out breakfast has been made already or brought back as take out.

    5.Jamba Juice

    6.Air conditioning and snuggling under your covers when its hot outside.

    7.Laying in bed and catching up on your internets and falling asleep.

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