The Top 1000

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4,250 thoughts to “The Top 1000”

  1. Replacing a pitchmark (ball mark) on the green after a GREAT shot while playing golf with others.

    Just the fact that for a brief moment you forgot about all of your other terrible shots and feel like a respectable golfer is completely AMAZING!!!

  2. – the last payment on a big ticket item (car, school loan, the 42″ tv the husband just had to have…)

    -DMB Radio on SiriusXM 17

    -licking the beaters/bowl after making cake/brownies/cookies

    -sing-alongs at concerts

    -when you’re expecting to pay for repairs on something only to learn it’s still under warranty

    -buy one, get one free/50% off

    -Grey Street

    -when you get a bill & you have a credit on your balance

    -paid vacation

    -when the guy gives you extra potato wedges with your meal just because


    -cookies just out of the oven that have that chewiness

    -LeRoi at 3:06 on “American Baby”

  3. Summer nights, dark and cool with friends, simply look in each others faces and appreciating knowing such wonderful people.

    Getting a hug from a friend who hates physical contact just because they care, and that they instinctively know that you’re having a bad day.

    Falling asleep against a friend Halloween night after trick-or-treating until the wee hours in the morning.

    The quiet nature of sailing, standing alone at the jib, watching the water divert around the prow of the boat.

    Running over jellyfish in said boat.

    Karaoke with friends in a car and knowing all of the lyrics… and then warping the song by doing it in different styles, (example: doing songs in hick, Standard British, and Chinese accents).

    Hearing the childlike, virgin qualities of a voice when you call a friend and wake them up.

    The glow of your skin after a full nights sleep.

    Sunlight of an early, misty spring morning through emerald green, newly sprouted leaves… with the air perfumed with the scent of flowers.

    Spring rains, and how the sky is so incredibly gray, yet the ground is almost a blinding shade of neon green.

    Seeing kids you used to babysit enroll in high school.

    Singing in a large choir, with a full orchestra. Truly magical.

    The smile of a best friend as you talk to them eye-to-eye, completely trusting.

    Falling asleep cuddling a childhood stuffed animal.

    The scent of a friend on an article of clothing you lent them a while back.

  4. (a) Watching an airplane take off.

    (b) Fresh, clean sheets on the bed.

    (c) The way babies smell.

    (d) Walking in a rainstorm with a friend.

  5. When you get off a plane and your luggage is already coming down the luggage pickup. That is the best feeling ever.

  6. #1 (for me) Picking the fastest line-up in a store when paying for something.

    We never want to be in a line-up longer than necessary. So, in order to expedite your trip to the grocery store you strategically pick a line up in a store to reach the cash register the fastest. You check out the cashier (do they look experienced?), you check out the number of carts in front of you (ok, there’s 3 carts here, and two over here) and then you eagerly gawk into the carts to see how many items you think there are. All of this thinking and evaluating done in about 5 seconds, so then you choose a line. Well, a few minutes later and BAM, you see that you’re served first before the unlucky gal with 6 boxes of cereal that you would have been behind if you had chosen the OTHER line! AWESOME!

  7. i love this blog!

    i love the intros to movies, with the production companies little animated sequence like the columbia tristar one. everyone goes quiet cos you know the movies starting, its something about the anticipation, the rustling of snacks. sometimes i end up enjoying this part more than the actual movie (if its a crap movie!)

  8. inadvertent rhyming. you start out saying a simple statement, and through the magic of rhythm and vocabulary, you accidently give a rap-battle worthy rhyme. once, you were a simple human being with a boring statement to declare. now, to onlookers, you are a person-shaped ball of wit to rival that of the 19th century poets that fill your lit textbook. AWESOME!

  9. Listening to the same song ten times in row.

    Dancing around the living room, convinced you’re hotter than Beyoncé.

    Finding forgotten candy in the cupboard when you have a bad sugar craving.

    Voting. Democracy is awesome.

    Solving a hard cross-word puzzle without any help.

    That surge in the stomach when you see someone you have crush on.

    Insider jokes.

    Imagining what life would be like if you lived in another country.

  10. Despite the circular reference.


    Whether it be Best of, Must see, Must have, Worst of, grocery, things to do, Bucket…the list goes on (see?)

    They take large amounts of things and makes them clear, concise, and simpler. And if something is on a list that you agree with, that’s a double dose of awesome.

  11. Flipping a pancake (pan only) or burger(minimum 6″ of height off the flipper) while someone is watching.

    Made especially awesome when attention is asked for “Dude, watch me this!”

    High-fives ensue.

  12. Wave to strangers in cars and have them waving back – knowing they’ll be wondering who you were.

    1. And… the great feeling, when you knock it down again… it’s a guilty pleasure.

      Ranks up there with destroying abandoned sand castles at the beach, and tipping your card house, when you’re done, or breaking up your jig saw puzzle.

  13. Getting the giant health pick-up when you’re one hit away from dying (in videogames)

    Fixing electronics by smacking them

    Cracking your knuckles with one hand

    Chatting with friends on the front porch

    Couches with fold-up beds inside

    Winning a contest

    Avoiding the cracks on sidewalks


    Doing something on camera you couldn’t do again if you tried

    Don’t know whether any of these have been done before or not, but oh well.

  14. A warm smile from a cute girl/boy, passing you on the street, knowing you’ll probably never see each other again…

  15. Eating a warm buttered roll.

    and on a similar note – tearing out the soft white part of a a really fresh slice of bread, rolling it up into a ball, and popping into your mouth.

  16. Personally, one of the best things in my life is the smell of gas at a gas station. I don’t know why – everytime I’m at the pump, I just take a whiff of the toxic aroma and it smells awesome.

    1. Also the few seconds when the windshield wipers in your car are in sync with the music you’re listening to.

  17. When you push the elevator button and it is there within a second. -or- When you are in a hurry and have to go to the top floor of a 10+ floor building and nobody else is on the elevator so you can go straight to your floor.

  18. I don’t know if anyone else suggested this because there are far too many comments to read, but I had to say my favorite one:

    Finding the perfect setting on a toaster.

  19. When you put on dry clothes after swimming for a long time. Mmmmmmmm.

    Oh, and getting Shotgun. Made especially AWESOME on long road trips.

  20. I didn’t read the whole list yet, so sorry if something I propose was said yet.
    By the way, this page is awesome.

    – making a braid when your hair’s still wet and it being curly when you open it
    – guessing the murder in a whodunit movie
    – getting to know that someone you know is going to marry/pregnant
    – receiving postcards
    – discovering the first sprout of a seed you’ve planted
    – watching old photos
    – watching really old monochrome-films
    – hearing your favourite song on the radio
    – finding money after having forgotten that you’ve put it there
    – getting told by sb. who is walking behind you that you’ve lost sth.
    – giving a present to sb.
    – seeing the first snowdrops after a long winter
    – balloons
    – writing diary
    – the smell of new, unread books
    – cartoons
    – watching your room upside-down. It looks completely different
    – banging doors
    – your pet licking your hand when you’re sad
    – talking with people in films, like: “Nooo, dont’t do this!” or “Now KISS her, you idiot!”
    – imitating Darth Vader or lightsabres from “Star Wars”
    – singing under shower
    – taking a bath
    – noticing that your electronical devices have got personality
    – yelling at electronical devices
    – believing you’ve discovered sth. no one has ever discovered before (though everyone knew it but you)

    Oh, this list is kinda… long. Well…

  21. Filling your glass all the way to the rim without spilling anything.

    Tearing a piece of paper out of a notebook along the perforation on the first try.

    Opening a book and it be on the right page.

  22. When the extremely slow driver, that for some reason you can’t pass on that two-lane road, decides to turn off at the stop sign

  23. Awesome is:

    Closing a book after you’ve finished reading the last page.

    The smell of dew in the early, early morning.

    Watching a sunrise after not being able to sleep all night.

    The satisfying “SHHHHHHhhhhh….” sound of opening a soda bottle.

    Cutting your fingernails or toenails after a really long time and feeling like your fingers are too short.

  24. Realizing that the person you just met is your cousin’s high school classmate’s younger sister’s ex boyfriend’s best friend – (or other 6 degrees of separation)

  25. 742-taking a shower

    741-watch your favorite movie with your favorite snack


    739-matching colors

    738-laugh out loud from your heart

    737-wrestle with the air by one hand while the other hand is driving the car

    736-someone playing with u in the water and you’re sayin outch but u’re lovin’ it

    735-when u know u’re good lookin’ but ppl keep sayin’ it

  26. That split-second moment where you see an accident about to happen, know you can’t stop it so just enjoy the hell out of it.

  27. When you’ve got that tiny fraction of a song in your head the whole day, and finally remembering what song it is.

    Generally remembering things, that’ve been puzzling your mind all day.

    When having a big bunch of keys, getting the right one out by the first try.

    The fulfilling feeling, you get when you only step on the white stripes in the pedestrian crossing.

    Coming home and seeing, that the door you’ve been nervous, that you didn’t lock, turns out locked.

    Standing close to a fireplace, letting the fire heat your jeans, then sitting down to feel the heat. (Also applies to freshly ironed clothes/clothes right out of the tumbler)

    The smell of a brand new leather couch.


    When you kiss a girl, and she’s just eaten a piece of candy.

    The first loveletter in elementary school.

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