The Top 1000

(Want more? Click here for The Next 1000 started in 2019 and going until…)

4,250 thoughts to “The Top 1000”

  1. Finding the *perfect* greeting card…
    …in a large crowd.
    …the day you need it.
    …especially when it’s the first card you pick up.

  2. This is kind of like today’s post, but the satisfaction of stepping on dried out and crumbly leaves is incredibly AWESOME!!!!

  3. Going pee after holding it in for way too long

    (eg- drinking one of those huge pops while watching a movie at the theatre, then holding it in so you don’t miss the last 20 minutes of the movie, then running to the bathroom when the credits roll)

  4. deja-vu!

    Remembering what that certain smell reminds you of. (Who’s house etc..)

    Estimating the amount of things you’ll need, and figuring out that it’s the exact amount you needed.

  5. After a really loud concert when everything sounds muffled

    secret handshakes

    seeing someone you know in a totally random place.

    1. Shooting guns is awesome. even if its a blank at a civil war reenactment. Love the smell of blackpowder in the morning.

      Sitting around a campfire with some friends and sharing stories and whatnot…gotta love that…and the campfire smells like pure awesome as well…….

  6. stumbleupon

    reading the list of 1000 awesome things

    agreeing with someone on a subject you feel strongly about

    things that are literally squeaky clean

    Billy Mays commercials

    Chuck Norris jokes

    Chuck Norris in general

    seeing somone you havent seen in a long time

    the simple things that people you look up to do

    people you look up to

    finding out the name of a song you’ve been searching for, forever

    older couples that love each other in their own special way


    trying new foods

    strange pets

    art made out of things that were never intended to be art

    strange/cool architecture

    “manly” moments/things

    the sound of new guitar strings

    people that “tell it like it is”

    good cheese


    “office emails”



    rube goldberg machines

    liberal use of curse words

    laughing at mad people


    playing with melted candle wax

    midnight snacks

    beating someones highscore on a video game


    live concerts

    wonders of the world

    to-do lists

    funny and stupid tattoos


    great guitar riffs that you can’t get out of your head


    funny inside jokes about people that are jerks

    laser light shows

    things that are useful in real life, you learned from video games


    the smell of a blackboard eraser

    a sunday morning when you wake up and it’s raining

    “mom and pop” restuarants with great food


    knowing the answer to trivia questions

    the sound when you walk into a music shop

    yeah, a long list, i know. and some of them are probably already on the 1000 list, but im too lazy to go and look back

  7. When your remote is almost out of battery… and you press the buttons reaaaaally hard.. and you get that one last zap out of it.

    The feeling of saving money on batteries is truly…


  8. getting back under the warm blankets in the middle of a cold night after getting up to go to the bathroom!

  9. An Awesome thing is when you are busting for the toilet (number 1 or 2) and someone has been holding up the toilet. You finally get your chance and you can barely hold back the deluge. The feeling of final release is indescribably awesome.

  10. Cloud cover on super hot days… especially when it sneaks up on you.

    Those few minutes of natural shade is the absolute best!

  11. I have loads here, some of which I’ve stolen from others, but still.

    Two indicators in sync.

    That smooth feeling just after you shave.

    Getting an unexpected letter.

    Speaking in another language, and being understood.

    Being inside when it’s raining outside.

    ‘One-nil’-ing someone (as in mildly insulting them).

    Listening to a really bad but awesome song (Toto’s Africa came on on my iPod earlier).

    Peeling dried glue of your skin.

    Cooking something really well.
    Eating a slice of cake or whatever just out of the oven.

    Mass sing-alongs.


    When toast pops out of a toaster.

    Knowing what the characters are talking about on The Big Bang Theory or some other show about smart people.

    Winning a bet.

    Finding out you got a question which you guessed in an exam right.

    Feeling your hair after you just got it cut much shorter than it used to be.

    The smell of books/magazines/newspapers.

    Winning an argument.

    Finding an amazing song on an album that you’ve had for a long time.

    Still-warm bread.

    Wearing warm clothes.

    Finishing a really good, long book.

    Babies laughing.

    Really good high 5s.


  12. Just checking in here to see if anyone congratulated you on hit number 4,000,000. That’s a pretty big deal, my friend.

    And I would know – I’m sort of a big deal myself.

    Keep up the Awesome!

  13. bridges and/or city skylines at night

    falling asleep in the car (you may have already had that)

    finishing a book

    coming home to a clean house (just me?)

    a terry cloth robe after a shower

    waking up too early by accident and getting to see the sunrise

    old flip-flops

  14. When using scissors to cut paper and rather than actually using a cutting motion, you just slice along the line… i find this so awesome

  15. crying in films

    when you’re high on life

    live music

    lift off on planes

    getting shiny clean coins as change

    going over speed bumps really fast

    the salty side of the crisp

    mornings when you’re almost awake but still dreaming

    deciphering what young children are trying to say

  16. I didn’t read the whole thing so these may be on there.

    Being really cold and then going into a house with a fire.
    Getting a good mark in anything, or a good score or something in a sport.
    Finding a tenner.
    Falling a sleep on a long journey, then waking up when you get there.
    Wearing clothes straight out of the tumble dryer or off the radiatior.
    Standing up after sitting for a long time and clicking your back and neck.

  17. -First road trip in my new car
    -spending the day at the beach with my sisters and laughing non stop
    -the cats finally getting along
    -getting a compliment when I don’t think I look good
    -taking my whole family to the movies, my treat
    -friends who volunteer to help you move, no asking required
    -knowing I have had iTunes gift cards in my purse all week as a surprise for my nephews and smiling in anticipation every time I see them
    -any time spent with my amazing family

    1. also, singing a bad song out loud so it get stuck in my co-workers heads all day …. like the Super Mario theme

  18. 1. capture the flag in the dark with flashlights
    2. being the one that captures that flag and everyone cheers you on
    3. cloud watching (making animals out of the clouds) or star gazing
    4. when a guy takes off his jacket and gives it to you on a cold night
    5. when people you dont even know wish you a happy birthday
    6. In Canada… turning 19, or being 18 and know you can be legal in Quebec
    7. finding the perfect sunglasses or glasses for your face
    8. day dreaming

  19. Staying up late Friday nights becasue you know you don’t have to go to work Saturday morning and you can Sleep in!

  20. I know this one is gross… but taking a #2 and not having to wipe because it was a perfectly executed exit. lol Phantom poops.. ha

  21. the butterflies in your stomach before the big game

    party dances (aka YMCA, cotton eye joe, etc) where EVERYONE, young and old, comes onto the dance floor to participate.


    people remembering your birthday

    trying to fry an egg on a sidewalk, even tho you know it doesnt work

    seeing someone you havnt seen in a while in the supermarket

  22. When you were 6 or 7 and play the ‘floor is lava’ game and had to jump from pillow to pillow to couch.

  23. When you are doing family laundry and you find paper money in the washing machine/dryer and you’re positive it’s not yours.

  24. When you put your iPod on shuffle and you listen to a song that you put on there but never listened to, and discover that it is wonderful.

    The feeling of relief when you are about to take a test and you are so nervous because you feel unprepared, and then your teacher decides to give it to you next class instead.

    That moment of bonding when you are waiting in line with a buddy and you tell a joke, and the person standing in front of you turns around and laughs.

    Swinging really high on the playground swings, and then jumping on and savouring the two seconds of weightlessness.

    Picking up a person bigger than you underwater.

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